ITU's 160 anniversary

Верен идее соединить мир

Мероприятия в рамках Международного дня "Девушки в ИКТ" 2016 года

Catherine kalinga

Dar es salam, Tanzania, 2016, April 22​

Catherine Kalinga is expecting to conduct a single day event on the Girls in ICT Day celebrations this year. This will involve 20 girls from UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM COMPUTING CENTRE (UCC) Mbezi Beach Branch Dar es salam Tanzania. Within the campus there is a group of ladies called GIRLS AWARENESS IN IT-PROFESSION organized by Catherine Kalinga. The event aims to introduce GIRLS IN ICT DAY to UCC students - ladies in particular - and give them an opportunity to hear and learn from the women who practice ICT profession. The event will have a workshop session that will include games, computer hardware and onther. It expected that the event will be starting as from 12:00pm through 16:00pm.

Activities will include:

  1. Introducing girls in ICT Day
  2. Inspirational talks
  3. Games
