ITU's 160 anniversary

Верен идее соединить мир

Мероприятия в рамках Международного дня "Девушки в ИКТ" 2016 года


Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2016, April 28​


Tanzania Girls in ICT program is an initiative looking to nurture young girls to develop interest in Information and communication Technology (ICT) at early stage of their careers through teaching them basic ICT skills. The programme is structured in such a way that young girls can build foundation in basic ICT skills by learning early stage programming skills and work in teams in small projects. The project is funded and managed by Universal Communications Services Access Fund (UCSAF) which is a Government Entity mandated to ensure universal access to information and communications technology services in Tanzania.

The 2016 Program

The Program picked 8 best Form 3 science students from each of the 30 regions in Tanzania making a total of 240 Students. The programme was organized in 6 zones each with 40 students. The students were trained on basics of programming languages for three days. At the end of three days a 8 groups of 5 students in each zone competed in preparing various programs and mobile applications to address different problems in the society. The winning group of 5 students from each zone totalling 40 student winners were gathered in Dar es salaam for further 3 days training and then competed to get the 6 best students. The 6 students were set to attend Girls in ICT day commemoration on the 28th April 2016 in Addis Ababa.

The Program Activities:

The Programme involved the following activities in summary:

  1. Zonal Training – aimed at equipping young girls with basic ICT and applications development skills  – (240 students )
  2. Zonal Pitching Events - These were activities organized at the Zonal level to get the 5 out of 40 students to represent the zones at the National Event. (240 students)
  3. National Event – Further training on how to develop mobile applications, refine their applications (30 Students)
  4. Industry Visit - designed to motivate girls into developing their ICT career by giving them exposure to different ICT initiatives, companies and organizations. 30 Girls visited UCSAF Office, Airtel Tanzania and Buni Technology Hub.
  5. Main Pitching Event - The main presentation event organized in Dar es Salaam as part of the national event whereby girls got the opportunity to present their application solutions in front of guest of honor.

Feedback and testmonials from the girls

  • "I have learned a lot, I have enjoyed and I have managed to open even my email address which is " Leocadia Michael Makwi, Igole Secondary, Iringa
  •  "From the day which we started learning computer I enjoyed because am benefiting from the trainings." Rehema Raphael, Samora Secondary,Mbeya
  • "Though the time was not enough but I enjoyed learning computers at least I know how to use it now" Devotha Mcharo, Arusha Day, Arusha
  • "I enjoyed most of the training, how to open an email-account and the MIT App inventor, also I enjoyed knowing how to use the internet to sort out items"     Christina Peter, Rugambwa Secondary School, Bukoba.