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Мероприятия в рамках Международного дня "Девушки в ИКТ" 2015 года


Global event, 2015, April 23


Girls in ICT Day – a global ITU (International Telecommunication Union) initiative, now in its sixth year – is designed to raise awareness of how to empower and encourage girls and young women to consider studies and careers in ICT. In previous years, thousands of activities have been arranged for girls and young women in 140 countries around the world.

Ericsson celebrated “Girls in ICT Day” with events in 26 countries.
Ericsson’s commitment to the issue goes well beyond our own workforce. Through our sustainability and corporate responsibility efforts, we support a range of programs around the world designed to improve diversity and inclusion.

For more information please click here


Hosted a female mentoring session for 7th graders in Finland, a diversity workshop was held in Ukraine for girls from middle schools and of course Sweden had their initiatives in place at the Ericsson Head Quarter as well.
Girls responded with quotes such as: “Hello Ericsson! See you when I´m grown up!” and “I want to work here!”
India – Kolkata
We welcomed 35 students from across different schools for a full day of events. Events
ranged from awareness creation on ICT, Ericsson as a company, speakers, fun competitions,
and even floor walks.
INDIA – Bangalore
We invited 24 girl students from a reputed engineering college. These students were from
the first year of engineering and belonged to departments like CSE, ECE and EIE. The group
had three sessions with various leaders who gave presentations and followed up with Q&A.
INDIA – Gurgaon
To introduce girls to ICT and its transformational power, a half-day event was held at Ericsson Forum,
Gurgaon, where 40 girls from The Shri Ram School, Gurgaon and Mother’s International, Delhi, visited the
Ericsson office and indulged in hands-on-activities.


Ericsson celebrated Girls in ICT in Ain Shams University, Cairo in Egypt. During the event Ericsson female representatives shared their experiences and advice for a successful career planning, answering the question “What advice would you give your younger self?”. The key topics were passion, right choices, skills, perseverance, and pursuing dreams #GirlsInICT #EricssonDearMe
The seminar, which was organized in collaboration with the Rifca Taji Foundation (RFT), a non- governmental organization that aims at promoting social justice, quality of life and education within Lebanon, aimed at empowering female students with words on the vital role of women in ICT from Ericsson.


Girls in ICT Day 2015: German Chancellor Angela Merkel meets Ericsson in Berlin
At the R&D Center in Budapest, Hungary, we received almost forty girls and the Deputy State Secretary of Higher Education also visited our program that included a lab visit and meeting six woman role models who spoke about their work and life at Ericsson.
Girls in ICT events in Bulgaria, Morocco, Tunisia, Italy, Spain and Portugal show Region Mediterranean's commitment to work towards Ericsson's ambition of gender diversity. Through this internationally recognized day, young high school students, had the opportunity of getting a behind-the-scenes look at Ericsson from the eyes and perspectives of outstanding women of different profiles and levels of the organization who shared how working in Ericsson looks like.


In Plano, Texas, Ericsson hosted 29 students from the Irma L. Rangel Young Women’s Leadership
School. The girls attended a full-day program where they were provided information about
Ericsson and the field of ICT through participation in several hands-on experiences and speakerled
activities. These young ladies also heard from a variety of internal speakers including former
interns, new graduates and tenured employees. The program included a tour of the Ericsson
Experience Center and several interactive activities to encourage creativity and build a passion for technology.
In San Jose, California, Ericsson’s Women in Leadership (WIL) celebrated International Girls in ICT Day by working with about 30 TechGYRLS students at Canoas Elementary School. WIL members began the session introducing students to “a company called Ericsson” and described their Ericsson job roles. The students were between the ages of seven and nine, and it was their first time to hear about Ericsson and International Girls in ICT Day. The young girls were very lively, showing high interest in technology, asking questions such as, “What is ICT?”
Ericsson hosted a Girls in ICT event for more than 140 girls in grades 7-10 from three area high
schools. The event provided an opportunity to introduce these girls to the world of ICT, Ericsson’s
focus on diversity and inclusion and our vision of the Networked Society, as presented by Kristina
Allgurén, Ottawa Site Leader. In addition, the girls heard from a recent graduate from our
Hardware Development team, Amareet Kaur, who gave an inspiring and personal reflection of
her journey to becoming an engineer. The afternoon capped off with a demonstration from the
Kids in Robotics program from Alain St. Amant, which fosters fun in the STEM curriculum, as well
as personal reflections from additional speakers.
We hosted an event with 36 female students. They had various sessions with leaders and learned about Ericsson along with our contribution to the networked society. They were excited and happy to be invited to the office.