On April 23, 2015 Nepal Mahila Bishwasi Sangh (YWCA of Nepal) celebrated the GIRLS IN ICT DAY themed as "Information, Communication and Technology Women’s Prosperity”. The total number of participants was 60 including board members, staffs and young women. Among them 30 were totally young women and girls. As it was a first event for the organization and participants, it was an eye opener type event for all.
General Secretary Ms. Draupati Rokaya started the program with welcome and prayer along with the introductory session. The event was formally open with an encouraging song by one of our active young woman from rural part.
Ms. Rajuna Singh Shrestha, an inspiring disabled IT personnel from Self-help Group NGO was invited as a facilitator for ICT day. She presented the importance of ICT among women with and without disability. It widens the areas of opportunities and learning from national and international level. Similarly some of the ICT use success stories were very cheering and providing hope for the participants. With her own life experiences she shared both benefits and challenge part of ICT. In a similar way she shared on being safe while using ICT. At the end the conclusion was ICT can play a very crucial role in career development and create more chances of economic opportunities but it has to be accessible to reach every girls and women in a country.
At the end of the event some feedbacks were collected from the participants, most of them found the day very interesting and they said it was their first time to be participated in ICT