ITU's 160 anniversary

Верен идее соединить мир

Мероприятия в рамках Международного дня "Девушки в ИКТ" 2013 года


Turkey, 2013, April 25

Turkcell Technology hosts female university students…

Turkcell marks "Girls in ICT Day" with a remarkable event

Turkcell celebrated "Girls in ICT Day", which was started by the International​​ Telecommunication Union, with college girls who will be the engineers of the future. The students spent this important day, held on the 4th Thursday of April each year, by touring Turkcell Technology with engineers and had the opportunity to familiarize with new technology and the IT sector.

Turkey's leading technology and communications company Turkcell, joined in the world wide celebrations of Girls in ICT Day on April 25th this year by hosting 25 female students from engineering faculties in Istanbul at Turkcell Technology. The students toured the building and R&D laboratories with Turkcell engineers and were informed about new technologies and the industry. The future engineers, who were also curious about work opportunities in the IT sector, have also had the chance to get information about career opportunities.​