Composants en vigueur |
Titre |
Statut |
X.894 (10/18) � |
Technologies de l'information - Applications g�n�riques de l'ASN.1: Syntaxe de message cryptographique
En vigueur
X.894 (2018) Corrigendum 1 (03/19) � |
� This corrigendum was not published independently. Its contents were integrated into the base text of ITU-T X.894 (2018) | ISO/IEC 24824-4.
En vigueur
X.894 (2018) Corrigendum 2 (02/21) � |
� This corrigendum was not published independently. Its contents were integrated into the base text of ITU-T X.894 (2018) | ISO/IEC 24824-4.
En vigueur (pr�publi�e)