In force components |
Title |
Status |
V.150.1 (01/03) � |
Modem-over-IP networks: Procedures for the end-to-end connection of V-series DCEs
� This Recommendation includes the changes introduced by Corrigendum 1 (2003)
In force
V.150.1 (2003) Corrigendum 1 (07/03) � |
� Never published, directly consolidated in ITU-T Rec. V.150.1 (01/2003). Only the electronic prepublished version is available on ITU Website
In force (prepublished)
V.150.1 (2003) Corrigendum 2 (03/04) � |
� Never published, directly consolidated in ITU-T Rec. V.150.1 (01/2003). Only the electronic prepublished version is available on ITU Website
In force (prepublished)
V.150.1 (2003) Amendment 1 (01/05) � |
Modification to SSE reason identifier codes to support voice band data and text relay
In force
V.150.1 (2003) Amendment 2 (05/06) � |
ToIP and new SPRT data types support
In force