In force components |
Title |
Status |
T.24 (11/15) � |
Standardized digitized image set
� This text was initially approved as Corrigendum1 (2015) to ITU-T T.24 (1998), but it is published as ITU-T T.24 (11/2015), which consolidates ITU-T T.24 (1998) and its Cor. 1 (2015). This Recommendation includes 2 CD-ROMs containing the digitized image set. Due to the data volume, this Recommendation is not downloadable from ITU website and should be provided from Sales department (Email: Only T.24 text is downloadable free of charge for information purpose. The specimens reproduced inside this text are given for illustration purposes and are not suitable for measurements.
In force
� � |
Superseded and Withdrawn components |
Title |
Status |
T.24 (11/94) � |
Standardized digitized image set
� This Recommendation includes a CD-ROM containing the digitized image set
T.24 (06/98) � |
Standardized digitized image set
� This Recommendation includes 2 CD-ROMs containing the digitized image set. Due to the data volume, this Recommendation is not downloadable from ITU website and should be provided from Sales department (Email: Only T.24 text is downloadable free of charge for information purpose. The specimens reproduced inside this text are given for illustration purposes and are not suitable for measurements
T.24 (1998) Amendment 1 (02/00) � |
� Withdrawn by ITU-T TSB (Study Period 2013) Circular 190 published on 2016-02-19.
T.24 (1998) Corrigendum 1 (11/15) � |
Clarifications in Table 1
� This text was initially approved as Corrigendum 1 (2015) to ITU-T T.24 (1998), but it is published as ITU-T T.24 (11/2015), which consolidates ITU-T T.24 (1998) and its Cor. 1 (2015).