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: Q.2962D |
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Q.2962D�:�Digital subscriber signalling system No. 2 - Connection characteristics negotiation during call/connection establishment phase: Abstract test suite (ATS) and partial protocol implementation extra information for testing (PIXIT) proforma for the user
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ITU-T Q.2962 D was previously numbered as Q.2962 quater during the approval process
In force components |
Title |
Status |
Q.2962D (12/00) � |
Digital subscriber signalling system No. 2 - Connection characteristics negotiation during call/connection establishment phase: Abstract test suite (ATS) and partial protocol implementation extra information for testing (PIXIT) proforma for the user
� ITU-T Q.2962 D was previously numbered as Q.2962 quater during the approval process. It is published in English only
In force