In force components |
Title |
Status |
H.741.1 (06/12) � |
IPTV application event handling: Audience measurement operations for IPTV services
� The published text of this Recommendation includes the modifications introduced by Rec. ITU-T H.741.1 (2012) Amd. 1 (01/2013).
In force
H.741.1 (2012) Amendment 1 (01/13) � |
New Appendices VIII and IX with XML schema on audience measurement service discovery
� This Amendment was never published, its content having been included in the published Rec. ITU-T H.741.1 (06/2012).
In force
H.741.1 (2012) Corrigendum 1 (02/15) � |
Correction on XML namespaces
In force