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G.729�:�Coding of speech at 8 kbit/s using conjugate-structure algebraic-code-excited linear prediction (CS-ACELP)

Recommendation G.729

In force components
Title Status
G.729 (06/12)
Coding of speech at 8 kbit/s using conjugate-structure algebraic-code-excited linear prediction (CS-ACELP) � In force
G.Imp729 (10/17)
Implementers' Guide for Recommendation ITU-T G.729 (2012) "Coding of speech at 8 kbit/s using CS-ACELP" � In force

Superseded and Withdrawn components
Title Status
G.Imp723.1/G.729/G.723.1 (02/02)
Implementor's Guide for G.723.1 and G.729 Annexes F, G, H, I � Superseded
G.729 (03/96)
Coding of speech at 8 kbit/s using conjugate-structure algebraic-code-excited linear prediction (CS-ACELP) �
This Recommendation includes 3 diskettes containing source code and test sequences for implementation verification of the algorithm of the G.729 8 kbit/s CS-ACELP speech coder
G.729 (1996) Erratum 1 (04/06)
G.729 Annex A (11/96)
Reduced complexity 8 kbit/s CS-ACELP speech codec �
This annex includes 3 diskettes containing source code and test sequences for implementation verification of the algorithm of the G.729 reduced complexity 8 kbit/s CS-ACELP speech coder
G.729 Annex B (10/96)
A silence compression scheme for G.729 optimized for terminals conforming to Recommendation V.70 �
This annex includes 1 diskette containing source code and test sequences for implementation verification of the version 1.3 algorithm of the G.729 silence compression scheme
G.729 Annex B (1996) Corrigendum 1 (02/98)

This corrigendum was not published and concerns only the software; the resulting version 1.3 had been included in the published ITU-T Recommendation G.729 Annex B (10/1996)
G.729 Annex B (1996) Corrigendum 2 (02/00)

This corrigendum concerns only the software; the resulting version 1.4 is included in the published ITU-T Recommendation G.729 Annex B (10/1996)
G.729 Annex B (1996) Corrigendum 3 (03/01)

Published as a covering note
G.729 Annex C (09/98)
Reference floating-point implementation for G.729 CS-ACELP 8 kbit/s speech coding �
This annex includes 1 diskette containing version 1.01 of reference C code for floating point implementation of the G.729 8 kbit/s CS-ACELP speech coder
G.729 Annex C+ (02/00)
Reference floating-point implementation for integrating G.729 CS-ACELP speech coding main body with Annexes B, D and E �
This annex includes an electronic attachment containing version 2.1 of reference C code for floating point implementation of CS-ACELP at 6.4/8/11.8 kbit/s with DTX functionality
G.729 Annex C+ (2000) Corrigendum 1 (03/01)

Published as a covering note
G.729 Annex D (09/98)
6.4 kbit/s CS-ACELP speech coding algorithm �
This annex includes 1 diskette containing version 1.2 of source C code for fixed point implementation of the G.729 6.4 kbit/s CS-ACELP speech coder
G.729 Annex D (1998) Corrigendum 1 (02/00)

This corrigendum concerns only the software; the resulting version 1.3 is included in the published ITU-T Recommendation G.729 Annex D (09/1998)
G.729 Annex E (09/98)
11.8 kbit/s CS-ACELP speech coding algorithm �
This annex includes 2 diskettes containing version 1.2 of source C code and test vectors for fixed point implementation of the G.729 11.8 kbit/s CS-ACELP speech coder
G.729 Annex E (1998) Corrigendum 1 (02/00)

This corrigendum concerns only the software; the resulting version 1.3 is included in the published ITU-T Recommendation G.729 Annex E (09/1998)
G.729 Annex F (02/00)
Reference implementation of G.729 Annex B DTX functionality for Annex D �
This annex includes an electronic attachment containing version 1.1 of reference C code and test vectors for fixed point implementation of CS-ACELP at 6.4 kbit/s 8 kbit/s with DTX functionality
G.729 Annex F (2000) Corrigendum 1 (03/01)

Published as a covering note
G.729 Annex G (02/00)
Reference implementation of G.729 Annex B DTX functionality for Annex E �
This annex includes an electronic attachment containing version 1.1 of reference C code and test vectors for fixed point implementation of CS-ACELP at 8 kbit/s and 11.8 kbit/s with DTX functionality
G.729 Annex G (2000) Corrigendum 1 (03/01)

Published as a covering note
G.729 Annex H (02/00)
Reference implementation of switching procedure between G.729 Annexes D and E �
This annex includes an electronic attachment containing version 1.1 of reference C code and test vectors for fixed point implementation of CS-ACELP at 6.4 kbit/s 8 kbit/s and 11.8 kbit/s without DTX functionality
G.729 Annex I (02/00)
Reference fixed-point implementation for integrating G.729 CS-ACELP speech coding main body with Annexes B, D and E �
This annex includes an electronic attachment containing version 1.1 of reference C code and test vectors for fixed point implementation of CS-ACELP at 6.4 kbit/s 8 kbit/s and 11.8 kb/s with DTX functionality
G.729 Annex I (2000) Corrigendum 1 (03/01)

Published as a covering note
G.729 Annex J (05/06)
An embedded variable bit-rate extension to G.729: An interoperable 8-32 kbit/s scalable wideband extension to G.729 �
Annex J describes an extension of ITU-T Rec. G.729 for 8-32 kbit/s scalable wideband speech and audio coding algorithm interoperable with G.729 and its Annexes A and B. The details of Annex J are specified and published in ITU-T Rec. G.729.1 in order to provide for an easier maintenance, and to give it a better visibility
G.729 Appendix I (06/01)
External synchronous reset performance for G.729 codecs in systems using external VAD/DTX/CNG � Superseded
G.729 Appendix II (08/05)
G.729 Annex B enhancements in voice-over-IP applications - Option 1 �
G.729 Appendix III (08/05)
G.729 Annex B enhancements in voice-over-IP applications - Option 2 � Superseded
G.729 (01/07)
Coding of speech at 8 kbit/s using conjugate-structure algebraic-code-excited linear prediction (CS-ACELP) � Superseded
G.Imp729 (11/09)
Implementors' Guide for G.729 - (Coding of speech at 8 kbit/s using CS-ACELP) � Superseded
G.Imp729 (04/06)
Implementors' Guide for G.729 - (Coding of speech at 8 kbit/s using CS-ACELP) � Superseded
G.Imp729 (10/02)
Implementers' Guide for G.729 Annexes B, F, G, I and C+ (Coding of speech at 8 kbit/s using CS-ACELP) � Superseded

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Updated :�2023-03-13