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E.212�:�The international identification plan for public networks and subscriptions

Recommendation E.212

In force components
Title Status
E.212 (06/24)
The international identification plan for public networks and subscriptions � In force

Superseded and Withdrawn components
Title Status
E.212 (11/88)
Identification plan for land mobile stations � Superseded
E.212 (11/98)
The international identification plan for mobile terminals and mobile users � Superseded
E.212 (1998) Amendment 1 (05/03)
New Annex A: Criteria and procedures for the assignment and reclamation of shared E.212 mobile country codes (MCC) and their respective mobile network codes (MNCs) � Superseded
E.212 (05/04)
The international identification plan for mobile terminals and mobile users �
E.212 (2004) Erratum 1 (10/04)

Applies to English version only
E.212 (2004) Amendment 1 (02/07)
Annexes to the international identification plan for mobile terminals and mobile users � Superseded
E.212 (05/08)
The international identification plan for public networks and subscriptions �
This Recommendation includes the changes introduced by Amendment 1 (09/2008)
E.212 (2008) Amendment 1 (09/08)
New annexes E, F �
This amendment is not published since its content has been directly incorporated in ITU-T E.212 (05/2008)
E.212 (2008) Amendment 2 (11/10)
Revised Annex F - Illustration of uses of ITU-T E.212 resources � Superseded
E.212 (2008) Amendment 3 (06/11)
Revised Annex E: The use of an MCC+MNC in a country other than the country to which the MCC has been assigned by the Director of TSB � Superseded
E.212 (09/16)
The international identification plan for public networks and subscriptions � Superseded
E.212 (2016) Amendment 1 (07/18)
New Appendix on shared E.212 Mobile Country Code (MCC) 999 for internal use within a private network � Superseded
E.212 (2016) Amendment 2 (06/20)
New Annex G - Assignment of shared E.212 mobile country codes (MCC) for trials � Superseded
E.212 (2016) Amendment 3 (12/20)
Annex H: Criteria and procedures for the assignment and reclamation of shared ITU-T E.212 mobile country codes (MCC) for regional and other international organizations (ROIO)/standards development organization (SDO)-specified networks and their respective mobile network codes (MNCs) �
The English version of the file posted on 17 June 2021 was replaced to correct a typo in the footers

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