The date of entry into force of this Recommendation was fixed at the 01 July 1995.
Covering note, May 1999: Spanish only
In force components |
Title |
Status |
D.90 (03/95) � |
Charging, billing, international accounting and settlement in the maritime mobile service
� The date of entry into force of this Recommendation was fixed at the 01 July 1995
In force
� � |
Superseded and Withdrawn components |
Title |
Status |
D.90 (11/88) � |
Charging, accounting and refunds in the maritime mobile service
D.90 (1988) Corrigendum 1 (11/89) � |
� D.43 (1988) Cor.1, D.90 (1988) Cor.1 and D.151/E.251 (1988) Cor.1 were published in a common covering note in June 1990
D.90 (10/92) � |
Charging, accounting and refunds in the maritime mobile service