Hypothetical reference circuit for systems using analogue transmission in the fixed-satellite service
� Note - Withdrawn on 29/09/2014 (CACE/692)
Allowable noise power in the hypothetical reference circuit for frequency-division multiplex telephony in the fixed-satellite service
� Note - Withdrawn on 29/09/2014 (CACE/692)
Video bandwidth and permissible noise level in the hypothetical reference circuit for the fixed-satellite service
� Note - Suppressed on 20/09/2023 (CACE/1079)
Carrier energy dispersal for systems employing angle modulation by analogue signals or digital modulation in the fixed-satellite service
Pre-emphasis characteristics for frequency-modulation systems for frequency-division multiplex telephony in the fixed-satellite service
� Note - Withdrawn on 29/09/2014 (CACE/692)
Reference radiation pattern of earth station antennas in the fixed-satellite service for use in coordination and interference assessment in the frequency range from 2 to 31 GHz
Maximum permissible level of interference in a telephone channel of a geostationary-satellite network in the fixed-satellite service employing frequency modulation with frequency-division multiplex, caused by other networks of this service
Measurement of noise in actual traffic for systems in the fixed-satellite service for telephony using frequency-division multiplex
� Note - Withdrawn on 29/09/2014 (CACE/692)
Measurement of performance by means of a signal of a uniform spectrum for systems using frequency-division multiplex telephony in the fixed-satellite service
� Note - Withdrawn on 29/09/2014 (CACE/692)
Maximum permissible level of interference in a television channel of a geostationary-satellite network in the fixed-satellite service employing frequency modulation, caused by other networks of this service
Station-keeping in longitude of geostationary satellites in the fixed-satellite service
Hypothetical reference digital paths for systems using digital transmission in the fixed-satellite service
Allowable bit error ratios at the output of the hypothetical reference digital path for systems in the fixed-satellite service using pulse-code modulation for telephony
Maximum permissible levels of interference in a geostationary-satellite network in the fixed-satellite service using 8-bit PCM encoded telephony, caused by other networks of this service
Maximum permissible levels of off-axis e.i.r.p. density from earth stations in geostationary-satellite orbit networks operating in the fixed-satellite service transmitting in the 6 GHz, 13 GHz, 14 GHz and 30 GHz frequency bands
Availability objectives for a hypothetical reference circuits and hypothetical reference digital paths when used for telephony using pulse code modulation, or as part of an integrated services digital network hypothetical reference connection, in the fixed-satellite service operating below 15 GHz
Radiation diagrams for use as design objectives for antennas of earth stations operating with geostationary satellites
Allowable error performance for a satellite hypothetical reference digital path in the fixed-satellite service operating below 15 GHz when forming part of an international connection in an integrated services digital network
Flexibility in the positioning of satellites as a design objective
Necessary protection ratios for narrow-band single channel-per-carrier transmissions interfered with by analogue television carriers
Satellite antenna radiation pattern for use as a design objective in the fixed-satellite service employing geostationary satellites
Terms and definitions relating to space radiocommunications
Technical characteristics for very small aperture terminals (VSATs)
Maximum permissible level of spurious emissions from very small aperture terminals (VSATs)
Cross-polarization isolation from very small aperture terminals (VSATs)
� Note - Withdrawn on 05/02/2010 (CACE/503)
Maximum permissible level of off-axis e.i.r.p. density from very small aperture terminals (VSATs)
Control and monitoring function of very small aperture terminals (VSATs)
Compensation of the effects of switching discontinuities for voice band data and of doppler frequency-shifts in the fixed-satellite service
Reference earth-station cross-polarized radiation pattern for use in frequency coordination and interference assessment in the frequency range from 2 to about 30 GHz
Method for statistical processing of earth station antenna side-lobe peaks to determine excess over antenna reference patterns and conditions for acceptability of any excess
Determination of the G/T ratio for Earth stations operating in the fixed-satellite service
The application of interference cancellers in the fixed-satellite service
Maximum permissible levels of interference in a geostationary-satellite network for an HRDP when forming part of the ISDN in the fixed-satellite service caused by other networks of this service below 15 GHz
Estimation of polarization discrimination in calculations of interference between geostationary-satellite networks in the fixed-satellite service
Relationship of technical coordination methods within the fixed-satellite service
Procedure for determining if coordination is required between geostationary-satellite networks sharing the same frequency bands
Additional methods for determining if detailed coordination is necessary between geostationary-satellite networks in the fixed-satellite service sharing the same frequency bands
Technical coordination methods for fixed-satellite networks
Carrier-to-interference calculations between networks in the fixed- satellite service
Spectrum utilization methodologies
The coordination between satellite networks using slightly inclined geostationary-satellite orbits (GSOs) and between such networks and satellite networks using non-inclined GSO satellites
Orbit/spectrum improvement measures for satellite networks having more than one service in one or more frequency bands
Use of systems in the fixed-satellite service in the event of natural disasters and similar emergencies for warning and relief operations
Orbit management techniques for the fixed-satellite service
Environmental protection of the geostationary-satellite orbit
Utilization of fade countermeasure strategies and techniques in the fixed-satellite service
Allowable error performance for a satellite hypothetical reference digital path operating below 15 GHz
Criteria for sharing between BSS feeder links and other Earth-to-space or space-to-Earth links of the FSS
Pointing accuracy as a design objective for earthward antennas on board geostationary satellites in the fixed-satellite service
Power flux-density values to facilitate the application of RR Article 14 for the FSS in Region 2 in relation to the BSS in the band 11.7-12.2 GHz
� Note - Withdrawn on 27/04/06 (CACE/383)
Ways of reducing the interference from the broadcasting-satellite service of one Region into the fixed-satellite service of another Region around 12 GHz
� Note - Withdrawn on 27/04/06 (CACE/383)
Ways of reducing the interference from the broadcasting-satellite service into the fixed-satellite service in adjacent frequency bands around 12 GHz
� Note - Withdrawn on 27/04/06 (CACE/383)
Fixed-satellite and radiolocation/radionavigation services sharing in the band 13.75-14 GHz
Compatibility between the fixed-satellite service and the space science services in the band 13.75-14 GHz
Network architecture and equipment functional aspects of digital satellite systems in the fixed-satellite service forming part of synchronous digital hierarchy transport networks
Technical criteria to be used in examinations relating to the probability of harmful interference between frequency assignments in the fixed-satellite service as required in No. S11.32A.1 of the Radio Regulations
Sharing between the inter-satellite service involving geostationary satellites in the fixed-satellite service and the radionavigation service at 33 GHz
Network management architecture for digital satellite systems forming part of SDH transport networks in the fixed-satellite service
Network management - Performance management object class definitions for satellite systems network elements forming part of SDH transport networks in the fixed-satellite service
Network management - Payload configuration object class definitions for satellite system network elements forming part of SDH transport networks in the fixed-satellite service
Technical options to facilitate coordination of fixed-satellite service networks in certain orbital arc segments and frequency bands
Best practices to facilitate the coordination process of fixed-satellite service satellite networks
Use of adaptive uplink power control to mitigate codirectional interference between geostationary satellite orbit/fixed-satellite service (GSO/FSS) networks and feeder links of non-geostationary satellite orbit/mobile satellite service (non-GSO/MSS) networks and between GSO/FSS networks and non-GSO/FSS networks
Methodology for determining the maximum aggregate power flux-density at the geostationary-satellite orbit in the band 6�700-7�075�MHz from feeder links of non-geostationary satellite systems in the mobile-satellite service in the space-to-Earth direction
Analytical method to calculate short-term visibility and interference statistics for non-geostationary satellite orbit satellites as seen from a point on the Earth's surface
Maximum permissible levels of interference in a satellite network (GSO/FSS; non-GSO/FSS; non-GSO/MSS feeder links) in the fixed-satellite service caused by other codirectional FSS networks below 30 GHz
Analytical method for estimating interference between non-geostationary mobile-satellite feeder links and geostationary fixed-satellite networks operating co-frequency and codirectionally
Simulation methodologies for determining statistics of short-term interference between co-frequency, codirectional non-geostationary-satellite orbit fixed-satellite service systems in circular orbits and other non-geostationary fixed-satellite service systems in circular orbits or geostationary-satellite orbit fixed-satellite service networks
Feasibility of sharing between the inter-satellite service and the fixed-satellite service in the frequency band 50.4-51.4�GHz
Requirements and suitable bands for operation of the inter-satellite service within the range 50.2-71�GHz
Satellite system characteristics to be considered in frequency sharing analyses within the fixed-satellite service
Frequency sharing of the bands 19.7-20.2 GHz and 29.5-30.0 GHz between systems in the mobile-satellite service and systems in the fixed-satellite service
Sharing between spaceborne passive sensors of the Earth exploration-satellite service and inter-satellite links of geostationary-satellite networks in the range 54.25 to 59.3�GHz
Sharing between feeder links for the mobile-satellite service and the aeronautical radionavigation service in the Earth-to-space direction in the band 15.4-15.7 GHz
Sharing between feeder links for the mobile-satellite service and the aeronautical radionavigation service in the space-to-Earth direction in the band 15.4-15.7�GHz and the protection of the radio astronomy service in the band 15.35-15.4�GHz
Method for determining coordination distances, in the 5 GHz band, between the international standard microwave landing system stations operating in the aeronautical radionavigation service and non-geostationary mobile-satellite service stations providing feeder uplink services
Method for calculating single entry carrier-to-interference ratios for links in inter-satellite service using geostationary orbit
Interference mitigation techniques to facilitate coordination between non-geostationary-satellite orbit mobile-satellite service feeder links and geostationary-satellite orbit fixed-satellite service networks in the bands 19.3-19.7 GHz and 29.1-29.5 GHz
Performance for broadband integrated services digital network asynchronous transfer mode via satellite
Availability objectives for a hypothetical reference digital path when used for the transmission of B-ISDN asynchronous transfer mode in the fixed-satellite service by geostationary orbit satellite systems using frequencies below 15 GHz
Transmission considerations for digital carriers using higher levels of modulation on satellite circuits
Aggregate power flux-density limits, at the FSS satellite orbit for radio local area network (RLAN) transmitters operating in the 5 150-5 250 MHz band sharing frequencies with the FSS (RR No. S5.447A)
Methodology and criterion to assess interference from terrestrial wireless access system/radio local area network transmitters to non-geostationary-satellite orbit mobile-satellite service feeder links in the band 5 150-5 250 MHz
Reference FSS earth-station radiation patterns for use in interference assessment involving non-GSO satellites in frequency bands between 10.7 GHz and 30 GHz
Error performance objectives due to internetwork interference between GSO and non-GSO FSS systems for hypothetical reference digital paths operating at or above the primary rate carried by systems using frequencies below 15 GHz
Determination of the coordination area for Earth stations operating with non-geostationary space stations with respect to Earth stations operating in the reverse direction in frequency bands allocated bidirectionally to the fixed-satellite service
Methods to enhance sharing between non-GSO FSS systems (except MSS feeder links) in the frequency bands between 10-30 GHz
Apportionment of the allowable error performance degradations to fixed-satellite service (FSS) hypothetical reference digital paths arising from time invariant interference for systems operating below 30 GHz
Uplink and inter-satellite equivalent power flux-density radiated by non-GSO FSS Systems
Functional description to be used in developing software tools for determining conformity of non-geostationary-satellite orbit fixed-satellite service systems or networks with limits contained in Article 22 of the Radio Regulations
Measurement procedure for determining non-geostationary satellite orbit satellite equivalent isotropically radiated power and antenna discrimination
Allowable error performance for a hypothetical reference digital path based on synchronous digital hierarchy
Impact of loss of synchronization recovery time on availability in hypothetical reference digital paths
Methodology for performing parametric evaluation studies of interference sensitivity for geostationary-satellite orbit fixed-satellite service systems sharing spectrum in bands above 10 GHz
Coordination identification between geostationary-satellite orbit fixed-satellite service networks
Impact of interference from the Sun into a geostationary-satellite orbit fixed-satellite service link
Methodology to assess the interference environment in relation to Nos. 9.12, 9.12A and 9.13 of the Radio Regulations when non-geostationary-satellite orbit fixed-satellite service systems are involved
Procedure for the identification of non-geostationary-satellite orbit satellites causing interference into an operating geostationary-satellite orbit earth station
Satellite antenna radiation patterns for non-geostationary orbit satellite antennas operating in the fixed-satellite service below 30 GHz
Analytical method for determining the statistics of interference between non-geostationary-satellite orbit fixed-satellite service systems and other non-geostationary-satellite orbit fixed-satellite service systems or geostationary-satellite orbit fixed-satellite service networks
A possible method to account for environmental and other effects on satellite antenna patterns
Methodology for determining the overall accuracy of epfddown measurements
Aggregate interference levels between closely spaced dual circularly and dual linearly polarized geostationary-satellite networks in the fixed-satellite service operating in the 6/4 GHz frequency bands
Methodology to determine the epfddown level corresponding to the loss of synchronization in geostationary fixed satellite service networks caused by interference from non-geostationary-satellite systems
Operational requirements and characteristics of fixed-satellite service systems operating in the 50/40 GHz bands for use in sharing studies between the fixed-satellite service and the fixed service
Methodologies for measuring epfddown caused by a non-geostationary-satellite orbit space station to verify compliance with operational epfdown limits
Methodology for computing the geographical distribution of maximum downlink equivalent power flux-density levels generated by non-geostationary fixed-satellite service systems using circular orbits
Methodology for the calculation of the worst-case interference levels from a particular type of non-geostationary fixed-satellite service system using highly-elliptical orbits into geostationary fixed-satellite service satellite networks operating in the 4/6 GHz frequency bands
Calculation of unwanted emission levels produced by a non-geostationary fixed-satellite service system at radio astronomy sites
Technical characteristics of earth stations on board vessels communicating with FSS satellites in the frequency bands 5 925-6 425 MHz and 14-14.5 GHz which are allocated to the fixed-satellite service
Methodologies for calculating aggregate downlink equivalent power flux-density produced by multiple non-geostationary fixed-satellite service systems into a geostationary fixed-satellite service network
Continuous curves of epfddown versus geostationary fixed-satellite service earth station antenna diameter and epfdup versus geostationary fixed-satellite service space station antenna beamwidth to indicate the protection afforded by systems complying with the limits to antennas with diameters other than those in Article 22 of the Radio Regulations
Technical and operational characteristics of satellites operating in the range 20-375 THz
Sharing of inter-satellite link bands around 23, 32.5 and 64.5 GHz between non-geostationary/geostationary inter-satellite links and geostationary/geostationary inter-satellite links
Methodology to assess compliance of non-geostationary fixed-satellite service satellite systems in circular orbits with the additional operational limits on downlink equivalent power flux-density in Article 22 of the Radio Regulations
Methodology for frequency sharing between certain types of homogeneous highly-elliptical orbit non-geostationary fixed-satellite service systems in the 4/6 GHz and 11/14 GHz frequency bands
Maximum emission levels and associated requirements of high density fixed-satellite service earth stations transmitting towards geostationary fixed-satellite service space stations in the 30 GHz range
Interference mitigation techniques to facilitate coordination between non-geostationary fixed-satellite service systems in highly elliptical orbit and non-geostationary fixed-satellite service systems in low and medium Earth orbit
Methodology to determine the worst-case interference among certain types of non-GSO FSS systems in situations where no in-line interference exists
Interference mitigation techniques and frequency sharing in the bands 37.5-42.5 GHz and 47.2-50.2 GHz between geostationary-satellite fixed-satellite service networks and non-geostationary-satellite fixed-satellite service systems
Outline of a software specification for automating the examination of satellite network filings for compliance with Article 5 of the Radio Regulations
Guidelines to be used in the event of non-compliance with single-entry operational and/or additional operational limits in Section II of Article 22 of the Radio Regulations
Methodologies for the calculation of the worst-case interference levels from a non geostationary HEO-type fixed-satellite service system into geostationary fixed-satellite service satellite networks operating in the 10 to 30 GHz frequency bands
Technical characteristics of air interfaces for global broadband satellite systems
Performance enhancements of transmission control protocol over satellite networks
Methodologies for determining whether an FSS earth station at a given location could transmit in the band 13.75-14 GHz without exceeding the pfd limits in No. 5.502 of the Radio Regulations, and guidelines to mitigate excesses
Methodology to calculate the minimum separation angle at the Earth's surface between a non-geostationary HEO-type FSS satellite in its ''active" arc and a geostationary satellite
Static methodology for calculating epfddown to facilitate coordination of very large antennas under Nos. 9.7A and 9.7B of the Radio Regulations
Guidelines developed in response to the studies requested in Resolution 140 (WRC-03)
Performance and availability objectives for fixed-satellite service telemetry, tracking and command systems
Electronic data file format for earth station antenna patterns
Power flux-density values in the band 11.7-12.7 GHz and associated calculation methodology which may be used when the power flux-density values in � 6 of Annex 1 to Appendix 30 of the Radio Regulations are exceeded
Characterization of HEO-type systems in the fixed-satellite service
Analysis of interference from HEO system space operation transmissions in FSS bands into GSO networks and corresponding guidelines to be used for designing and operating TT&C for HEO-type FSS system
Characteristics of fixed-satellite service systems using wideband spreading signals
Coordination between geostationary-satellite orbit fixed satellite service networks and broadcasting-satellite service networks in the band 17.3-17.8 GHz
Possible methodology for frequency sharing between bidirectional geostationary fixed-satellite service networks comprising ubiquitously deployed earth stations
Guidelines on global broadband Internet access by fixed-satellite service systems
Technical and operational features characterizing high-density applications in the fixed-satellite service
Availability objectives for hypothetical reference digital paths in the fixed-satellite service operating below 15 GHz
Cross-polarization reference gain pattern for linearly polarized very small aperture terminals (VSAT) for frequencies in the range 2 to 31 GHz
Alternative reference radiation pattern for earth station antennas used with satellites in the geostationary-satellite orbit for use in coordination and/or interference assessment in the frequency range from 2 to 31 GHz
Methodologies for determining whether an IMT station at a given location operating in the band 3 400-3 600 MHz would transmit without exceeding the power flux-density limits in the Radio Regulations Nos. 5.430A, 5.432A, 5.432B and 5.433A
Methodologies to estimate the off-axis e.i.r.p. density levels and to assess the interference towards adjacent satellites resulting from pointing errors of vehicle mounted earth stations in the 14 GHz frequency band
Multi-carrier based transmission techniques for satellite systems
Cross-layer QoS provisioning in IP-based hybrid satellite-terrestrial networks
Protection criteria and interference assessment methods for non-GSO inter-satellite links in the 23.183-23.377 GHz band with respect to the space research service
Statistical methodology to assess time-varying interference produced by a geostationary fixed-satellite service network of earth stations operating with MF-TDMA schemes to geostationary fixed-satellite service networks
Access procedures for fixed-satellite service occasional use, transmissions to geostationary-satellite orbit space stations, in the 4/6 GHz and 11-12/13/14 GHz FSS bands
Carrier identification system for digital-modulation transmissions of fixed-satellite service occasional use carrier earth station transmissions using geostationary-satellite networks in the 4/6 GHz and 11-12/13/14 GHz FSS bands
Allowable short-term error performance for a satellite hypothetical reference digital path
Guidelines to conduct bilateral coordination for explicit agreements, in the frequency band 14.5-14.75 GHz for Regions 1 and 2 countries, or in the frequency band 14.5-14.8 GHz for Region 3 countries, in the fixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space) not for feeder links for the broadcasting-satellite service
Method for the determination of performance objectives for satellite hypothetical reference digital paths using adaptive coding and modulation
Procedures for the evaluation of interference from any non-geostationary-satellite system into a global set of the generic geostationary-satellite
reference links in the frequency bands 37.5-39.5 GHz (space-to-Earth), 39.5-42.5 GHz (space-to-Earth), 47.2-50.2 GHz (Earth-to-space) and 50.4-51.4 GHz (Earth-to-space)
Methodology for examining the compliance of an aeronautical earth station in motion communicating with geostationary space stations in the fixed-satellite service in the 27.5-29.5 GHz band with a set of pre-established pfd limits on the Earth's surface