Policy Statement
Czech Republic


Section Director - Section of Harmonization and Communication Services
Ministry of Industry and Trade
(On behalf of H.E. Mr. Martin Kocourek Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic)

Dear Ministers,
Mr. General Secretary,
Mr President,
Distinguished Delegates,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

At the beginning of my speech I would like, on behalf of the Government of the Czech Republic, to express my thanks to the Mexican government and representatives of the International Telecommunication Union for the invitation and opportunity to address a speech at this Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). At the same time I would like to apologize the absence of the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic Mr. Martin Kocourek for unforeseen and urgent business reasons which prevented him from his scheduled participation and appearance at this conference.

The Czech Republic is aware of the fact that the dynamic development of telecommunications in the modern form of information and communication technologies (ICT) was one of the important factors, which at the end of the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st century significantly contributed to economic growth and the development of a knowledge society worldwide. These technologies should help to reduce the gap between developing and developed countries in the world.

An important and irreplaceable role of the ITU in this process is historically indisputable. At the same time, it also means a huge commitment to the future for the ITU, if this organisation wants to continue as a leading power who creates and develops the conditions for the ICT infrastructure building and introduction of services on the principle of global standardization with the goal of promoting economic and social development in member states of the ITU.

In my opinion, at this Plenipotentiary Conference, we are facing very serious decisions on matters that are included in the draft of the Strategic Financial Plan of the ITU for the next four years. During the upcoming negotiations and decisions I consider crucial to always remember the ITU has been and must continue to be a unified entity with common objectives.

This fact should be reflected e.g. in the establishment of a long-term stability of the basic documents of the ITU and enhancement of the efficiency of knowledge sharing among members of the ITU. This can be achieved by strengthening and wider participation of academia and an increase in the base of sector members and by virtue of more efficient use of results of study works of all ITU sectors. However, these projects must be interrelated and non-duplicated. At the same time, the results of other international organizations´ study works must be used and taken into account. What is also important, in my opinion, is the strengthening of the role of the ITU in the World Summit on the Information Society, which will lead to the support for the implementation of concrete and practical solutions wherever they are needed. Meeting the requirements and needs of all members of the ITU must be based on efficient use of common funds and must be closely linked with the search for internal reserves in the activities of the entire organizational structure of the ITU, as well as looking for opportunities of a greater collaboration with the private sector.

Excellencies, Dear Ministers, Mr General Secretary, Mr President, Distinguished Participants,

what I have now briefly summarized represents indeed the main reasons why the Czech Republic decided to stand again for the ITU Council. At the same time, it outlines the priorities on which the Czech Republic wants to focus, as well as the field of interest. It's also our country wants to promote in the next term, if re-elected, to strengthen the role of the ITU in the ICT world.

In conclusion I would like to express my thanks to the Secretary General and to all officials and staff of the ITU, as well as to colleagues from the ITU Council for their intensive work and everything what they have done in the last period for fruitful fulfilling the ITU mission. And it is not a little.

I am convinced that this conference will be successful and will meet all your expectations associated with its holding and with your membership in this organization.

Thank you for your attention.