career track
2001 to present |
Director Radio Communications Department, Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania |
2000-2001 |
Director Radio Communications Department, State Radio Frequency Service |
1998-2000 |
Head Electromagnetic Compatibility and Information Technology Division, State Radio Frequency Service |
1993-1998 |
Engineer Frequency Planning Division, State Radio Frequency Service |
2005 to present |
ITU RRC Regulation and Procedures Group (RPG) Head of the Delegation of the Republic of Lithuania |
2005 to present |
ITU RRC Intersession Planning Group (IPG) Head of the Delegation of the Republic of Lithuania |
2004 to present |
EC Radio Spectrum Committee (RSC) Representative of the Republic of Lithuania |
2001 to present |
CEPT ECC Conference Preparatory Group (CPG) Head of the Delegation of the Republic of Lithuania |
2001 to present |
CEPT Electronic Communications Committee (ECC) Head of the Delegation of the Republic of Lithuania |
2000-2004 |
Initiator and leader of the Regional Multilateral Coordination Agreement for DVB-T known as the Nida - Kiev Plan |
2004 |
ITU Regional Radio Communication Conference Member of the Delegation of the Republic of Lithuania |
2003 |
ITU World Radio Communication Conference Member of the Delegation of the Republic of Lithuania |
2002 |
ITU Plenipotentiary Conference Member of the Delegation of the Republic of Lithuania |
2002 |
CEPT T-DAB Planning Conference Maastricht, Member of the Delegation of the Republic of Lithuania |
1997 |
Digital TV Planning Conference Chester, Head of the Delegation of the Republic of Lithuania |
1995 |
CEPT T-DAB Planning Conference Wiesbaden, Member of the Delegation of the Republic of Lithuania |
Education |
2003 |
Spectrum Management in the Civil Sector United States Telecommunications Training Institute, Washington D.C. |
1998 |
International Programme on CAD&CAM Central Institute of Tool Design, Hydarabad, India. |
1989 |
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Degree (equivalent to Doctor’s degree) Vilnius University, Faculty of Physics |
1979 |
Diploma in Physics Vilnius University, Faculty of Physics |
Academic career |
2004 to present |
Associate professor,
Vilnius University, Faculty of Physics
1993 – 2004 |
Assistant, Vilnius University,
Faculty of Physics |
1993 – 1998 |
Senior research fellow, Vilnius
University, Faculty of Physics |
1979 – 1993 |
Research fellow, Vilnius
University, Faculty of Physics |
Dr. Mindaugas Žilinskas has 12 years of technical and administrative experience in the area of radio communications as well as more than 30 years of research activities in the area of the calculation methods applied for radio frequencies.
Dr. Mindaugas Žilinskas, after joining the State Radio Frequency Service, promptly became a leader in Lithuania in radio communications area. He has played a key role in developing the radio spectrum management system as well as radio frequencies planning framework in Lithuania. To mention just a few projects implemented under his leadership in Lithuania:
- Programs for planning and coordination of analogue and digital broadcasting stations according to Stockholm'61, Geneva'75, Geneva'84, Wiesbaden'95, Chester'97 agreements,
- Program for planning and coordination of mobile stations,
- National Radio Frequencies Allocation Table,
- Plan for Using Radio Frequencies,
- Strategy and Plan for the Assignment of Radio Frequencies to Broadcasting and Transmission of Radio and TV Programs,
- Plan for the Development and Model of Implementation of the Digital Terrestrial TV,
- Plan for the Development of the Third Generation Communications,
- Plan for the Development of Radio Communications in the 3,5 GHz range,
- Licensing operators for GSM-900, GSM-E and DCS-1800 mobile services as well as for digital TV and broadband wireless access services.
Dr. Mindaugas Žilinskas during the years of development of the Lithuanian radio management system and harmonization of this system with the international regulations has revealed to be a strong leader and a committed partner of exceptional technical competencies. His experience in transposing international regulations into the Lithuanian radio communications system proves his wealth of experience in ITU radio communications regulatory system and application of ITU Radio Regulations.
During his years with State Radio Frequency Service and Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania, he has been actively working in the international arena, participating or leading the participation of the Lithuanian delegation in different international conferences, meetings and working groups, related to radio communications planning and implementation.
Dr. Mindaugas Žilinskas lead a great number of negotiations and meetings on bilateral and multilateral basis with neighboring and outer states on radio planning and coordination for fixed and mobile services as well as analog and digital TV and radio services. The geographical coverage of these activities embraces Baltic and Scandinavian states, states of the Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communications (RCC), Central and Eastern European states as well as states of Vienna and Berlin Agreements.
In 1999, Dr. Mindaugas Žilinskas presented his innovative idea to develop a DVB-T radio frequencies plan for several neighbouring countries. In support of other states, under the leadership of Dr. Žilinskas the software system for radio frequencies coordination was developed working closely with Vilnius University, Faculty of Physics.
In 2002, after rounds of preparatory meetings, eight states signed the Regional Multilateral Coordination Agreement for DVB-T in TV channels 61-69 in Nida, Lithuania; in 2003, five more countries joined this Agreement in Kiev, Ukraine. At present this Agreement is widely known as the Nida-Kiev Plan.
The intense international activities of Dr. Mindaugas Žilinskas have showed him to be an innovative professional, successfully working on a multistakeholder mode and capable to effectively reconcile various interests.