Candidate to the Post of Member of the RRB (Radio Regulations Board)
Baiysh NURMATOV, Kyrgyz Republic |
Name |
Nationality |
Kyrgyz Republic |
Date of birth |
18 February 1947 |
Civil status |
Married, two children |
Official position |
Deputy Director of the State
Communications Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic |
Office address |
7b Baytik Baatyr St., 720005
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
+996 312 544103 |
1975-1978 | Postgraduate course Moscow Electrotechnical Institute of Communications PhD in technical sciences specializing in "Theory of, and systems and facilities for, the transmission of information over communication channels". |
1965-1970 | Diploma in radio engineering Moscow Electrotechnical Institute of Communications |
1997-present |
Deputy Director State Communications Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic |
1995-1997 |
Director State Telecommunication Inspectorate of the Ministry of Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic |
1979-1995 |
Lecturer Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, Dean of Faculty of Telecommunications, Kyrgyz Technical University |
1970-1975 |
Engineer Chief Engineer for radio-relay and satellite communication stations, Ministry of Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic |
Main professional experience |
Mr Nurmatov has worked for over 35 years in the field of radiocommunication, during which time he has acquired:
experience of practical work with radio equipment. From 1965 to 1995, he worked on the design, manufacture, adjustment and operation of radio equipment for the broadcasting and the fixed and mobile radio services;
experience of scientific research in the field of radiocommunication. From 1975 to 2000, he was engaged in scientific research in the fields of broadcasting, space radiocommunications and spectrum economy, and from 2000 to the present has been researching the influence of high mountainous conditions on digital fixed and broadcasting radio service networks;
experience in the regulation of spectrum management. From 1995 to the present, has supervised and personally taken part in the drafting of all normative and legal instruments regulating domestic activities in the field of radiocommunication;
administrative experience in the establishment and development of spectrum management services. Since 1995, has headed, at the national level, this area of State telecommunication regulation;
international experience in the field of radiocommunication. Since 1995, has played an active part in various events organized by the International Telecommunication Union and Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communications.
On the basis of his considerable professional knowledge, his extensive experience in the practical aspects of spectrum management and his understanding of the specific characteristics of Region C countries, the
Heads of communication administrations of RCC Member States, at their 34th meeting (Yerevan, October 2005), nominated Mr B. Nurmatov as
RCC's sole candidate for membership of the ITU Radio Regulations Board.
- Plenipotentiary conferences: delegate to PP-98, Head of the Kyrgyz Republic's delegation to PP 02.
- World telecommunication development conferences: Head of the Kyrgyz Republic's delegations to WTDC-98, WTDC-02 and WTDC-06. Elected vice-chairman of a committee at WTDC-06.
- Radiocommunication assemblies: Head of the Kyrgyz Republic's delegations to RA-97, RA 2000 and RA-03.
- World radiocommunication conferences: Head of the Kyrgyz Republic's delegations to WRC 95, WRC-97, WRC-2000 and WRC-03. Elected vice-chairman of a committee at WRC 03.
- Regional radiocommunication conferences: Head of the Kyrgyz Republic's delegations to RRC 04 and RRC-06. Elected vice-chairman of a committee at RRC 04 and RRC-06.
- Study groups: has participated in the work of ITU-R SG 1, SG 3 and SG 9.
- Author of Kyrgyz Republic contribution to WTDC-98 proposing adoption of the resolution on financial support for national spectrum management programmes.
- Developed the calculation model for annual spectrum utilization fees on the basis of economic incentives, which was included in Report ITU-R SM.2012-1 "Economic aspects of spectrum management" (published in 2000) and recognized by ITU-R SG 1 as an analytical model.
- Supervised the development of an automated spectrum management system that is included in the handbook on automated spectrum management systems (ITU, 2005).
- As ITU lecturer and consultant, participated in a number of ITU subregional seminars for the CIS countries.
- Presented a paper on "Application of economic incentives in licence fees for spectrum use" to the XXVIth General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science (Toronto, 1999).
- Supervised research work on the subject of radio-relay links in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan which resulted in contributions to the work of ITU-R SG 1 and SG 9. These contributions gave rise to a number of modifications to ITU-R Recommendations.
RCC (Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communications) activity |
- Since 1995, member of the RCC Commission on radio-frequency spectrum management and EMC in radiocommunications.
- Chairman of the RCC working group on spectrum reallocation and conversion.
- RCC coordinator for the initiative, adopted at WTDC-06 (Doha, Qatar), on strengthening the effective use of spectrum by providing interactive multimedia digital broadcasting networks in countries with mountainous terrain, and optimization of radiomonitoring networks.
- Presented papers on the development of mechanisms for spectrum reallocation:
- to the meeting of the RCC Commission on radio-frequency spectrum management and EMC in radiocommunications (Baku, 2005);
- to the 34th meeting of Heads of communication administrations of the RCC Member States (Yerevan, 2005);
- to other regional conferences and meetings.
National activity |
Current field of activity: National spectrum management, licensing, certification, state supervision of telecommunications.
- Supervised and directly participated in the drafting of all of the Kyrgyz Republic's basic normative and legal instruments in the field of telecommunications (including the Telecommunications Act, the National Table of Frequency Allocations for radio services, and other normative texts on spectrum management at the national level).
- Developed an analytical model for calculating annual spectrum fees on the basis of application of economic incentives (applied in the Kyrgyz Republic since January 1998).
- Supervised the development of the national automated spectrum management system, in use in the Kyrgyz Republic since 2004.
- Supervision of the planning and establishment of the state radio-monitoring system.
- Supervision of the working group on implementation of the national strategy for universal access to basic telecommunication services.
- Chairman of the annual national telecommunication conference in 2004 and 2005.
- Chairman of the study group on improvement of spectrum management and spectrum allocation.
Scientific activity |
PhD in technical sciences, Associate Professor, Supervisor of studies for a group of postgraduate students. Supervises scientific studies, and lectures on telecommunications at the Kyrgyz Technical University. Author of some 90 scientific publications and inventions.
In the period 2000-2004, supervised, in conjunction with the Radio Research and Development Institute (Moscow, Russian Federation), extensive research into the influence of high mountainous conditions on digital radio signal propagation and the operational stability of digital radio-relay communication links. The basis for the research was the radio-relay network of Kyrgyzstan, which has a total length of over 2000 km, and most of whose stations are in mountainous areas at altitudes of up to 4 200 m above sea level. The results of the research were discussed at various meetings of ITU-R SG 3 and SG 9.
Awards |
Awarded the Kyrgyz Republic's "Dank" (Glory) Medal for his contribution to
telecommunication development.
For his research on the influence of high mountainous conditions on digital radio signal propagation, Mr Nurmatov was awarded the Kyrgyz Republic state prize for science and technology (2004).