Accumulated vast knowledge and experience in the radio spectrum management and EMC, and the full awareness of the urgent and complicated tasks the ITU is facing, especially in the field of radio spectrum management in the era of convergence, fast technological change and growing demand for spectrum.
Since 1991 joined the ITU activities, participating in the meetings of RAGs, RAs and WRCs, as a member of national delegation.
Elected to RRB for the term 2003-2006 attended all meetings of the Board and acquired knowledge and experience about its proceedings and problems considered.
Since 1990 took part in the activities of the European Conference of Posts and Telecommunications Administrations CEPT, an all-European regional organisation whose purpose is to foster pan-European solutions, and to coordinate European interests on the conferences of worldwide organisations such as ITU. His activity was focused on the work of the European Radiocommunication Committee (ERC), dealing with technical and regulatory issues of radio spectrum management, and engineering.
In 1997 was elected vice-chairman of the ERC, and kept this position until the end of 2001, participating in the work of the steering team of the Committee. As vice-chairman of the ERC chaired, from 1997 to 1998, the Reflection Group which successfully revised the mission and strategy of the Committee, and adopted them to rapidly changing regulatory and market conditions.
From 1998 to 2000 participated in a Special Group of the CEPT Plenary Assembly which, in the wake of the convergence phenomenon and quickly changing technical and legal environment, worked out the reorganization of CEPT. Chaired one of the Project Teams of this Group.
From 1976 to 2000 served as organising chairman of the worldwide International Wroclaw Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, responsible for its organisation, and partly for technical program.
During term in COMECON Institute in Moscow (1964-1969) acquired experience in work in the international environment and acquaintance with international standardization. Supervised international projects in radio spectrum management and EMC issues.
From 1963 to the eighties participated in the activities and meetings of the OSS, regional telecommunication organization in Eastern Europe, dealing with the radio spectrum management and EMC issues.