Sector Members who are recognized operating agencies, scientific or
industrial organizations and financial or development institutions, as
well as regional and other international telecommunication,
standardization, financial or development organizations may attend PP-06
as observers .
See invitation in DM-05/1241.
The relevant provisions concerning the admission of Sector Members to
PP-06 are contained in
Article 23 of the ITU Convention. Please note, however, that Sector
Members falling under the terms of
No. 230 of the ITU Convention, namely, other entities dealing with
telecommunication matters are not admitted to PP-06, pursuant to
Article 23 of the ITU Convention.
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Sector Members are free to send the number of
representatives of their choice; however, there may be some seating
limitations in the Conference Centre.
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Yes. Non-exempted
international organizations and Sector Members shall contribute towards
defraying the expenses of the Conference in accordance with provisions
No. 476 of the ITU Convention and Article
7, paragraphs 1b) and 5b) of the
Financial Regulations
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Sector Members may not submit proposals to the
Conference. However, they may submit documents designed to provide
information on their general area of competence; such documents may not,
however, contain proposals and shall be clearly referenced as
“information Documents”.
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Yes. PP-06 documents can be accessed online via
TIES. Access
is also provided to registered participants through a dedicated PP-06
username and password.
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Subject to the consent of the meeting itself, Sector Members may be
given the floor to provide advice on points relevant to their mandates
when the subject under discussion is of particular interest to them.
Such advice shall not include or be treated as proposals.
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Sector Members will be seated behind ITU Member States,
Palestine and observers from Intergovernmental Organizations in French
alphabetical order of the name of their organization.
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Proposals for the work of the conference can be found
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