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Página Principal : UIT-T : WTSA-12 : Regional preparatory meetings : RCC Regional Preparatory Meeting for the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-12) - Presentations

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17282048 octetos 2012-04-17 "NGN applications in Azerbaijan: results and perspectives": Sahib Yusubov, Head of the Department of NGN services of the PU "Aztelekom"


1609728 octetos 2012-04-17 Transition to NGN technologies on the JSC Uzbektelecom networks:


492032 octetos 2012-04-17 Future Networks by ITU-T SG-13: Tatiana Kurakova, Counsellor, ITU-T SG 13


1281536 octetos 2012-04-17 Maintenance of calculation and planning of NGN in the RCC countries with a view of a unified degree of quality of networks and provision of services: Vladimir Efimushkin, Director on scientific activity of the FSUE ZNIIS, Co-author: Tatiana Ledovskikh, Deputy Director on scientific activity of the FSUE ZNIIS


5409280 octetos 2012-04-17 WTSA-12 Preparations and Expected Results: Malcolm Johnson, Director, ITU/TSB


3785216 octetos 2012-04-17 Status of WTSA Resolutions and Preparation of Global standards Symposium: Vijay Mauree, Programme Coordinator, ITU/TSB


5587968 octetos 2012-04-17 Major Issues related to ITU-T Working Methods: Tatiana Kurakova, Counsellor, ?ITU-T SG 13


642560 octetos 2012-04-17 ITU Recommendations. Aspects of implementation in the Republic of Uzbekistan: Elena Petrova, Head, Scientific and Technical Department, Telecommunications Technology and Services of the SUE "UNICON.UZ"


245248 octetos 2012-04-17 Improvement of international-legal regulation of ITU-T Sector’s rules of procedures: Laviza Iskhakova, Leading Research Officer of the SUE "UNICON.UZ"


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Updated : 2012.04.17