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World Radiocommunication Conference 2000

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Opening Address of Houlin Zhao
Director, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau

At the Opening Session of the Radiocommunication Assembly
1 May 2000

It is an honour for me to address the Radiocommunication Assembly, since I am attributing a special importance to this event.

Traditionally, we have had a fruitful cooperation between ITU-R and ITU-T; for example, by streamlining the operation and working methods of both Sectors and by using common IPR policy, through the activities of the Intersector Coordination Groups (ICG) on FPLMTS (which has completed its work) and also on satellite matters (which intends to continue its work).

Many changes have occurred since the last Radio Assembly in 1997, which have deeply affected the ITU and its Sectors.

The technical evolution with the progressive penetration of digital techniques in the network has provoked an increasing convergence of services; therefore the requirements for the studies performed by our respective Sectors are similar and this will give rise to global projects (which will use an integrated ITU inter-sectorial approach with contributions from various players in the telecommunication and radiocommunication fields).

Cooperation between the ITU-R and ITU-T Sectors has now become essential to the survival of the ITU itself, particularly, where technical studies and relevant Recommendations are to be prepared.

It is my opinion that the technical capability of experts participating in the activities of the Study Groups in the two Sectors is an outstanding asset for the whole ITU community. One of the tasks of this Assembly, as well as of the WTSA in Montreal, should consist of recognizing the significance of this asset and in establishing a tighter cooperation and coordination of our Sectors in areas having a major impact in the present evolution, such as mobile telecommunications and interworking with IP based networks. Achievements in these areas are essential for the establishment of the worldwide information society.

For the mobility aspects, your Sector has been very successful in reaching a worldwide agreement for Recommendations on IMT-2000. Our Sector feels it is of great importance to finalize the networking characteristics for this important and established worldwide Recommendation for the global success of the IMT-2000 project. The continuation and reinforcement of the existing coordination on this subject will strengthen the ITU�s position in this field.

Other projects may require increased coordination (e.g. Multimedia, of which broadcasting is an essential part). Cooperation of the expertise of our Sectors is essential in a world where boundaries between services are fading out to achieve a global approach and to ensure a leading role of ITU in the future information society.

I can assure you that myself, my staff, the Director of your Bureau and his staff will continue our close cooperation in order to promote common goals and to obtain the success of global project.

Distinguished Delegates,

I wish all success to your Assembly and will ensure all necessary support from my Sector and myself in order to exploit synergies and to provide a good environment to the market players for the benefit of the entire ITU community.

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