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Elections to the Council
The Plenipotentiary Conference is tasked to elect the 46 Member States called to sit on the ITU Council to represent the membership in the interval between Plenipotentiary Conferences. The role of the Council is to consider, in the interval between plenipotentiary conferences, broad telecommunication policy issues to ensure that the Union's activities, policies and strategies fully respond to today's dynamic, rapidly changing telecommunication environment. It also prepares a report on ITU policy and strategic planning. In addition, the Council is responsible for ensuring the smooth day-to-day running of the Union, coordinating work programmes, approving budgets and controlling finances and expenditure.

Each of the five administrative regions were entitled to a number of seats as follows:

  • Region A — Americas (8 seats)

  • Region B — Western Europe (8 seats)

  • Region C — Eastern Europe (5 seats)

  • Region D — Africa (13 seats)

  • Region E — Asia and Australasia (12 seats).

The results of the elections on 16-17 November 2006 are as follows:


Region A: Americas (8 seats) Votes   Region D: Africa (13 seats) Votes
Brazil * Elected! 143 Morocco * Elected! 117
Mexico * Elected! 131 Senegal * Elected! 117
Argentina * Elected! 129 Algeria * Elected! 115
United States * Elected! 128 Nigeria * Elected! 114
Canada * Elected! 124 Mali * Elected! 113
Cuba * Elected! 115 Tunisia * Elected! 113
Trinidad and Tobago Elected! 103 South Africa * Elected! 112
Venezuela * Elected! 100 Egypt * Elected! 111
Dominican Republic 91 Ghana * Elected! 107
El Salvador 77 Burkina Faso * Elected! 103
Ecuador 62 Kenya * Elected! 97
Region B: Western Europe (8 seats) Votes Tanzania Elected! 97
France * Elected! 140 Cameroon * Elected! 95
Spain * Elected! 134 Uganda * 93
Switzerland * Elected! 133 Burundi 52
Germany * Elected! 132 Sudan 63
Sweden Elected! 132 Gabonese Republic 48
Italy * Elected! 123 C�te d'Ivoire 62
Portugal * Elected! 121 Rwanda 59
Turkey * Elected! 120 Zambia 56
United Kingdom 115 Region E: Asia and Australasia (12 seats) Votes
Region C: Eastern Europe (5 seats) Votes Japan * Elected! 140
Russian Federation * Elected! 135 Korea (Republic of) * Elected! 133
Romania * Elected! 102 China * Elected! 132
Bulgaria * Elected! 99 Thailand * Elected! 125
Czech Republic * Elected! 96 Malaysia * Elected! 122
Ukraine 1 Elected! 77 United Arab Emirates Elected! 119
Poland 1 69 Indonesia * Elected! 118
Kazakhstan 74 Pakistan * Elected! 117
Azerbaijani Republic 57 India * Elected! 113
  Philippines Elected! 113
Saudi Arabia * Elected! 110
Australia * Elected! 106
Kuwait 97
Viet Nam * 91
Lebanon 89
Iran (Islamic Rep. of) * 74
* Council Member State during the period 2002–2006
1 In the elections held on 16 November 2006, Poland and the Ukraine received 94 ballots each. As a result of this ballot a second round took place on 17 November in order to determine the fifth member of the Council for Region C, receiving the Ukraine 77 ballots and Poland 69 ballots.



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Updated : 2007-01-09