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Houlin ZHAO
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Candidate to the Post of Deputy Secretary-General
Houlin ZHAO, China

    Houlin ZHAO


Name Houlin ZHAO
Nationality Chinese
Date of birth 7 March 1950
Place of birth Jiangsu, China
Civil status Married with one son
Current Post Director of TSB, ITU; re-elected at PP-02
Languages Chinese, English and French


1975 Graduated from Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
1979-1980 Chinese visiting-scholar to Switzerland
1985 Received a Master degree of Science in telematics, University of Essex, UK


1986 - Present
  • Guest Professor of several well-known universities in China.
  • Senior Advisor of “People’s Posts and Telecommunications News”, China.
  • Honorary Infocomm Doctor of Russian Telecommunication Academy, Russia.
  • Member of Waseda University ITU-ICT Advisory Committee, Japan.
1975 - 1986
  • Member of the China Institute of Communications.
  • Contributed a number of papers to the second CIC conference, to various journals and magazines.
  • Awarded a Second Prize for science and technology achievements from the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, 1985


1999 - Present
Director of TSB
  1. Greatly improved the efficiency and effectiveness of ITU-T and TSB, and consequently the ITU relevance to the markets: e.g., creating the NGN Focus Group in 2004.
  2. Successfully implemented the Resolutions and Decisions of WTSAs, e.g., AAP (Alternative Approval Process).
  3. Paid particular attention to bridge the standardization gap between the developing and developed countries, e.g. organizing workshops and SG activities in the regions.
  4. Strengthened the cooperation between ITU and regional organizations, facilitating international cooperation between ITU and standard development organizations (SDOs)/forums/consortia, e.g., the Informal Forum Summits he invited in 2001 and 2003.
  5. Enhanced the strategic partnership between Member States and Sector Members, initiated and maintained good consultation with industry members, e.g., “informal consultation meetings (Martigny meetings)” in 2000 and 2001, and the “Chief Technical Officers meeting” in 2003.
  6. Increased the ITU-T’s transparency and accessibility, e.g., the new procedures to nominate the ITU-T Study Group Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen at the WTSAs.
  7. Highlighted and continued efforts to promote ITU, e.g., creating a service “Standardization Coordination and Promotion” in TSB.
  8. Managed the limited budget and human resources with great efficiency.
  9. Strived to create a good working environment for the staff.
  10. Delivered keynote speeches or presentations on ICT technology and ICT standardization at many occasions in different regions of the world; some articles published.
1986 - 1998
ITU Staff
  • Staff member of CCITT/TSB of ITU, responsible for ITU-T SG 7 (Data networks and open system communications) and SG 8 (Terminals for telematic services).
  • ITU-T coordinator between the ITU-T and the ISO, IEC and ISO/IEC JTC 1. - Secretary staff for the 9th Plenary Assembly of the CCITT in 1988, the WTSCs in 1993 and1996 respectively.
  • Member of ITU Appointment and Promotion Board for G-level staff.
1975 - 1986
Chinese Engineer
  • Engineer of the Designing Institute of Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, China.
  • National Expert for developing national standards on telecommunication services and networks.
  • Consultant Expert to various departments of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, China.
  • Chinese delegate to various CCITT Study Group meetings.


ITU should more effectively facilitate the dialogue among its Member States that forms the solid base of the Union, and the Union should further strengthen its strategic partnership between the government and the private sector, which plays a more and more important role in the global ICT business. ITU should become increasingly capable of meeting the requirements of the global ICT development to the most attainable degree, by focusing on the core missions as entrusted to it by the ITU basic instruments, in order to promote and strengthen the ITU pre-eminent role among the UN specialized agencies and among the other international organizations in the global information society.

To meet the challenges and expectations, the ITU calls for a strong and energetic team of leadership, which should be anticipative to the changing environment, innovative in mobilizing resources, and efficient and transparent in managing business. The post of Deputy Secretary-General has a strategic importance in the ITU, which assists Secretary-General, and in cooperation with the other elected officials, to assure the successes of the ITU’s Strategic Plan and its operational activities.

Having a rich experience of more than two decades, particularly during his service of two terms of Director of TSB, Mr. Zhao has a deep understanding of the real situation from both inside and outside of ITU. Thanks to his leadership skills as demonstrated under his role as Director of TSB, which are highly appreciated by the ITU Members, and his vision in the role of Deputy Secretary-General, he is determined to contribute to the future of ITU. His spirit of teamwork, his responsiveness as well as his ability to listen and above all to communicate will help secure him success in fulfilling the tasks as Deputy Secretary-General.



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