Expanding ITU’s scope and mandate
At its September 2006 meeting of the Working Group on WSIS, some members
suggested that time had come to expand the scope and mandate of ITU, in order to
reflect the outcomes of WSIS and reaffirm ITU’s pre-eminent role in global ICT
affairs. Others felt that the Union’s mandate is already broad enough to
incorporate other aspects of information and communication technologies and to
respond to the changing environment.
In Antalya, proposals from countries in the Regional Commonwealth in the
Field of Communications (RCC) and a group of African countries stress the need
to broaden the scope and mandate of ITU to reflect the responsibilities it has
received as a result of WSIS if it is to remain a vibrant, adaptive
organization. For them, the basic instruments of the Union no longer fit the
realities of the environment and the challenges of today.
While the RCC suggests that a working group of the Council should be
established to adapt the Union for the implementation of WSIS outcomes, African
countries go one step further in proposing the setting up of a group to
recommend the necessary amendments to the ITU Constitution and the Convention.
Expanding membership
During the WSIS process, ITU pioneered the participation of all stakeholders,
including civil society, as a means of building a truly inclusive Information
Society. Civil society was included for the first time in an intergovernmental
negotiation process and it is now widely recognized that implementation of the
action lines will require the commitment and energies of all stakeholders.
Following the success of WSIS, there are proposals from States to widen the
Union's membership by including the participation of new actors such as civil
As a treaty-based organization, ITU needed to be able to rely on State-based
members to implement international agreements such as the Constitution and
Convention or the Radio Regulations. But the Union has also relied earlier on
the contribution of its private sector members, who make a vital contribution to
the Union’s standards-making process and in undertaking technical studies —
crucial work which remains one of ITU’s prime responsibilities. With
privatization, liberalization and deregulation, the balance of power gradually
shifted with more clout being wielded by the private sector. Now, the baton is
also being taken by the end-user — and civil society sees itself as a watchdog
for the larger public interest.
A number of countries agree on the “desirability of engaging civil society in
ITU’s work” and a specific category of observer status at ITU should be created
for civil society organizations. On the other hand, others consider that these
organizations can already be accommodated within the existing framework of
Associates and Sector Members. However, most civil society organizations
generally operate on fairly limited budgets and the cost of membership, except
in the development sector, would act as an insurmountable obstacle for them.
Civil society expects to participate in ITU as they do in most other UN
A resolution developed by the Working Group of Council on WSIS will be
considered by the Conference calling for a study to recommend ways to further
enhance the participation of civil society entities and organizations in ITU
activities, taking into account existing practices in the UN system.
A new name for ITU?
Some regions have put forward proposals to the conference arguing in favour
of a name change for ITU. For RCC countries, ITU’s name should reflect its
broader perspective as a result of WSIS and suggest that the term
“infocommunication” should replace “telecommunication” (although the acronym
“ITU” should not be changed). In the context of ITU’s name, they define
infocommunication as meaning “the reception/storage/processing and transmission
of information using public facilities without any change in location of the
physical carrier, excluding questions of intellectual property or content.”
The Arab States agree with the RCC countries that ITU’s name should reflect
the results of WSIS. But they propose the “International Telecommunication and
Information Technology Union,” as the new name. They add that amendments to
ITU’s Constitution or Convention might be required owing to the additional
executive responsibilities devolving upon the Union in relation to the WSIS Plan
of Action. Amendments might also be needed in order to include a clear
definition of the term “information technology”.
However, countries from the Asia-Pacific region believe that there should be
no change of name for ITU. They say that “telecommunication” is the most
appropriate and useful descriptor of ITU’s mandate. They add that “this does not
limit the significance or scope of ITU’s competence” because “telecommunication”
is “a very broad and inclusive term that covers all the network-related aspects
of information and communications technology.” Asia-Pacific countries further
point to the costs of implementing a change of name, and argue that “changes in
names and language should reflect actual ITU roles and not set out new areas of
activity that remain controversial.”
For several countries, changing the name of ITU would risk diluting the
“brand image” that ITU has established through the WSIS process and add that the
financial implications of a name change would require further study.
Revamping the federal structure
As ITU evolves, the basic federal structure of the Union has come up for
review. In addition to electing members of the
Radio Regulations Board
and Member States of the
ITU Council, and
unlike other United Nations agencies, ITU has five top elective posts:
Secretary-General, Deputy Secretary-General and a Director for each of its three
Bureaux that deal with radiocommunications, telecommunication standardization
and development.
All five are elected at Plenipotentiary Conferences. Given the complexity and
rapid evolution of today’s telecommunication environment, however, some ITU
members are questioning whether the Union’s leadership should continue to be
chosen in this way.
Calling for change
One of the European Common Proposals to the Plenipotentiary Conference calls
for “the appointment rather than election of the Directors of Bureau”. It states
that “the large number of elected officials in ITU, in contrast to most UN
agencies, adds complexity to the management of the Union and compromises its
efficiency”. According to the proposal, “the existing arrangement of five
elected officials politicizes the management of the organization, and creates a
lack of clarity as to who is accountable for resolving problems of concern to
Member States.” A draft resolution says that these officials “should be
appointed according to usual United Nations practice,” and that “the
Secretary-General and Deputy Secretary-General should be the only officials
While recognizing that methods for selecting the Directors of Bureau,
duration of their tenure and other matters will need to be resolved, the
proposal from 16 European nations stresses that “appointments should be made on
the basis of fair tendering for jobs, with candidates selected on merit and
taking into account the desirability of equitable geographic representation.”
As well as cutting the time and resources needed for elections, the new
approach, they say, would have “many advantages,” including clarification of the
responsibilities of the Secretary-General regarding the management of the Union.
European countries propose that a group of Member States and Sector Members
should be set up to consider the process by which the Directors of the Bureau
could be selected and appointed. The group would report its conclusions in time
for preparations for the 2010 Plenipotentiary Conference.
Keeping the status quo
A number of African countries state that they are in favour of retaining “the
current federal structure of five elected officials of the Union”. They say that
the current structure “gives a fair opportunity for geographical regional
representation” and that it “does not concentrate power in one office of the
Union.” A similar position is expressed by some RCC countries. They say the
existing ITU structure and number of elected officials should remain unchanged,
arguing that it “ensures the necessary balance, including in geographical terms,
and democracy in the management and direction of the Union”. According to these
countries, “the existing provisions of the Constitution and Convention on the
ITU structure afford both the Secretary-General and the Sectors sufficient
flexibility to improve their working methods and procedures.”
Exploring the possibilities
Looking at these divergent views on how to select ITU’s top management,
countries in the Asia-Pacific region suggest that all options should be studied
by a group of experts open to ITU Member States. Like the European proposal,
Asia-Pacific countries want such a group to report its findings in time for
preparations for the 2010 Plenipotentiary Conference.