UNGIS Side Event @ Rio+20

ICTs: the foundation of our sustainable future

Cover image for UNGIS Side Event @ Rio+20

From the 20 - 22 June 2012, world leaders will meet in Rio de Janeiro to establish the framework for a sustainable future at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20). Following its mandate to facilitate the implementation of WSIS outcomes, UNGIS has been following and supporting the Rio+20 process to ensure that ICTs are recognised as a foundation for sustainable development and that the existing WSIS process is recognised as the platform to address issues raised by ICTs.

In response to the call for contributions by the RIO+20 secretariat, UNGIS has prepared a contribution highlighting the relevant aspects of ICTs and Information Society to help achieve a green economy and sustainable development.

The side event “ICTs: the foundation of our sustainable future” will look at specific ICT applications and services that can assist in the transition towards a green economy, focusing on the key role that policies, regulations and international standards, play to allow for the uptake of ICT applications. To find out more about this event visit the ITU website.

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