Promoting Investment in Agriculture through Innovative ICT Systems
Details of the organization
Name *
The University of the West Indies
Country *
Trinidad and Tobago
Website (URL)
Type *
Information about the project
Project title *
Promoting Investment in Agriculture through Innovative ICT Systems
Description *
In the Caribbean, the agriculture sector is a key area for diversification and modernization in order to guaranty food security. AgriNeTT is a project that is geared towards infusing ICT into the agriculture sector to build a knowledge intensive agriculture economy and to drive economic growth of the agriculture sector and increase its competitiveness. The goal is to develop and make available to stakeholders locally developed Information and Communication Technologies systems catering directly to improve the national agriculture sector. This would provide an enabling environment for promoting investment in agriculture by enhancing the efficiency, competitiveness and social well-being of the agricultural sector of the countries of the Caribbean. The project has developed several web-based and mobile apps for farmers as well as analytical services for policy makers based on data from the apps. The project has developed two Open Data repositories which are the source of data for some of the apps. Research is currently being undertaken on barriers to technology adoption to help to improve adoption and usage of mobile apps. The project aligns with SDG2 by improving the agricultural productivity and incomes of small-scale food producers, in particular women and family farmers.
Project website
Geographical coverage *
Regional implementation
Regions of implementation
Latin America and the Caribbean
Status *
from 01/01/2014
The University of the West Indies, The Ministry of Agriculture (Trinidad & Tobago, and Jamaica), Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute
WSIS information
WSIS action lines related to this project
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to this project
Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all
Project type *