Mobile Kunji

Details of the organization
BBC Media Action (India) Ltd
International organizations

Information about the project
Mobile Kunji
In trying to solve the public health problems of our times, technology is a compelling answer. Yet there are questions. How do you use low-end technology for high-end gains? How do you create an interface that can be used by the most marginalized, base of the pyramid audiences? How do you then sustainably scale these solutions across millions of people? Our challenge: Create a job aid that could accommodate 11 health behaviours and over 100 attitudinal, normative and belief arguments; that could be carried by a Community Health Worker (CHW) at all times. And create excitement and motivation among the CHW and families, at the same time. The solution lies in a multimedia job aid – Mobile Kunji (‘guide’ in Hindi) – that brings together an Interactive Voice Response (IVR)-based mobile service and a printed deck of cards on a ring. The Kunji cards have been designed to look like a mobile phone, with illustrations, supporting arguments and key messages. Each card has a unique mobile shortcode that corresponds to a specific audio message in the IVR service. Mobile Kunji gets around the challenge of delivering audio and visual content without distributing expensive hardware. Since 2012, over 100,000 CHWs in Bihar have been equipped with Mobile Kunji. 43,000 CHWs use Kunji every month, playing over 1 million minutes of content. Impact evaluations show the quality of engagement between CHWs and families improves significantly, and significantly more families adopt lifesaving health behaviors (such as family planning and nutrition) when exposed to Mobile Kunji.
Local implementation: India, Bihar
Ongoing from 01/01/2011 to 31/03/2018
Government of Bihar The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation OnMobile OnionDev Technologies Pathfinder International

WSIS information
      * E-health
  • Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all
  • Project