Integrated Call Center
Details of the organization
Name *
JSC "National information technology"
Country *
Website (URL)
Type *
Information about the project
Project title *
Integrated Call Center
Title acronym
Description *
The Integrated Call Center (1414) on public services delivery (hereinafter: ICC) is an enquiry service providing 24x7 consultation support to citizens. ICC’s major objectives are: - performing the Integrated Call Center’s functions specified by legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan; - providing the single access point to obtainment of information on public services to the public. ICC’s basic goals and functions: - improving the accessibility of information on ICT services, public and any other services, as well as on forms of delivery thereof; - improving the service recipients’ awareness of government agencies’ activities, and also improving the service recipients’ and government agencies’ awareness of the procedure and process for delivery of ICT services, public and other services; - interoperating with central government agencies, local governments in regions, cities of republican status, capital city, districts, towns of regional status, city districts, towns of district status, townships, villages, rural counties and service providers on issues relating to provision of information on public services, interoperation with government agencies and with Operator of e-Government ICT infrastructure as to ICT services and any other ones; - providing the service recipients with an integrated telephone access point to provide information on ICT services, public services and other ones. Today, ICC delivers 24/7 consulting support to citizens on 707 public services, including other ICT services.
Project website
Geographical coverage *
National implementation:
Status *
Planned for future
from 01/01/2009
Non-profit Joint Stock Company "State Corporation "Government for Citizens" Joint Stock Company "Unified Accumulative Pension Fund"
WSIS information
WSIS action lines related to this project
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to this project
Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all
Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Project type *