Increasing the global access to Arabic Academic Digital Content
Details of the organization
Name *
Arabic Digital Reform Institute
Country *
New Zealand
Website (URL)
Type *
Business sector entities
Information about the project
Project title *
Increasing the global access to Arabic Academic Digital Content
Description *
The Arabic Digital Reform Institute (ADRI) is a social enterprise start-up company. It aspires to revolutionise the current means of supplying academic content in the Arabic language. Using innovative technologies, ADRI is aiming to facilitate effective ways of publishing and accessing Arabic academic content worldwide. In doing so, ADRI aims to address the social issue of the limited availability of Arabic academic content. As the majority of Arabic research is found in hard copy rather than online, this considerably restricts the accessibility of such content to be read, utilised or cited. The dilemma in the LDCs is even more pronounced. Whilst academic content is often produced in Arabic, the poor ICT infrastructure in these societies ensures that it is never published or shared with others for use or scrutiny. This therefore has an impact on education which then filters down to produce societal issues. ADRI's foremost project is a digital academic repository. This is designed to host a shared platform for providing access to Arabic content, with full search capabilities in Arabic. This digital platform will allow global academics, researchers, business personnel, and media institutions, to access Arabic content at the touch of a button. This is a level of publishing that strives to fully utilise the latest developments in technology. ADRI therefore seeks to introduce guidelines for the handling of Arabic academic content, and to also facilitate a robust communication framework between both Arab universities and universities globally.
Project website
Geographical coverage *
Regional implementation
Regions of implementation
Asia and Pacific
Status *
Planned for future
from 01/01/2018
ITU Arab Regional Office, Middle East Development Network (MDN)
WSIS information
WSIS action lines related to this project
Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to this project
Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
Goal 17: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Project type *