Sonification of Complex Networks and Systems

Details of the organization
The Bonch-Bruevich St.Petersburg State University of Telecommunications
Russian Federation

Information about the project
Sonification of Complex Networks and Systems
The project accumulates study of several international researchers in a field of sonification (the representation of data using auditory displays), post-NGN and computer music technologies. The project's primary object is to develop the method of universal mapping between the informational domain (network/system events, processes, status, etc.) and the auditory domain (up to 8 independent channels of sound to represent the given data) . Auditory displays help to make faster solutions, better results of data analysis, data mining, especially in an emerging world of BigData. Also, the approach should provide a new dimension of information understanding for visually impaired people. In our experiments we use different network models as well as the logs of a real telecommunication systems. For the sound core we use open language of computer music, sound synthesis and processing called Csound.
International implementation
Finland, Ireland, Russian Federation
Ongoing from 14/02/2017 to 28/02/2019

WSIS information
* Media
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  • Project