El Hanaa space/account (is meaning Serenity space)

Details of the organization
National Social Insurance Fund (CNAS)
  • The organization has a strategy for coordinating WSIS Implementation at the national level: Yes
  • The organization has a national e-strategy: Yes

Information about the project
El Hanaa space/account (is meaning Serenity space)
El Hanaa space is a service for the social insured persons in two forms. The first is an accessible web portal through URL (https://elhanaa.cnas.dz) and the second is an application for Smartphones Android. This service lets social insured persons to access a private account in order to follow up the benefits in kind and in cash paid by the National Social Insurance Fund.
National implementation: Algeria
Completed from 01/01/2016 to 30/06/2016
This service in its two forms is carried out by the National Social Insurance Fund.

WSIS information
      * E-government
  • Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all
  • Website
  • Database