The current biggest challenge in healthcare service delivery in Indonesia is fragmentation of health data in various (health) apps and the non-uniformity of metadata in the information systems of the health facilities. Therefore, the Ministry of Health Indonesia developed SATUSEHAT (known also as Indonesia Health Services Platform) as a health information exchange platform of a patient's electronic medical record (EMR) by integrating individual health data of more than 60.000 health care facilities. SATUSEHAT standardizes interoperability with global formats HL7 FHIR, so the data of various health facilities' information systems can be integrated to each other. Through SATUSEHAT, patients’ data in the health care facilities’ information system could be exchanged among the integrated health facilities with the permission of the data owner. The MoH Indonesia has targeted 12 thousand health facilities in Java-Bali region to be integrated with SATUSEHAT at the end of 2022, while the integration of the platform with all health facilities throughout Indonesia is targeted to be completed in 2023.
26 July 2022
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Yes, this project can be replicated in other countries to support health data interoperability and integration based on best practices that have been implemented in Indonesia and adapted to the conditions of that country.
Yes, SATUSEHAT will be integrated with electronic medical records provided by healthcare facilities and supported by the Regulation of Minister of Health Indonesia Number 24 year of 2022.
The development of SATUSEHAT is a result of collaborative efforts of the directorate within the MoH Indonesia and relevant stakeholders to facilitate connected health services by integrating individual health data between health care facilities using HL7 FHIR as a global standard for data exchange protocol. Through this platform, MoH Indonesia integrates information systems in Puskesmas (SIMPUS), hospitals (SIMRS), and clinics (SIM KLINIK) through socialization and trial integration to assess their readiness in integrating with SATUSEHAT towards electronic medical record implementation.
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (MoH Indonesia)
Indonesia — Government
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