With the pandemic where the world has been forced to digitize fast, Connectivity boost and the digital economy has surged to newer heights whilst the digital divide has deepened. Rural regions have been most affected with children at home without any means of being educated and exposed to adversities of the communities, Ugandan Female youth pregnancies have increased and drop out rate for children, most villages have been left out the progress loop brought by being connected. E-Kijiji is an open local government and citizen digital platform that will act as information intermediary and window of access to digital resources to villages. It shall host daily brief, mapped areas for social services, contacts of public officials, economic and market data, public online forum and an Massive open online course system to aid educating children and villages with normal life and digital skills. The E-Kijiji platform aims to connect all villages in Rural Tanzania, build stronger institutions by accountable government with open data and data driven policy, with Voices from rural regions effectively represented. It shall be accessed to all in mobile and web channels, Public data delivery and dissemination simplified, Our Digital skills first delivery shall be designed with human centred lenses to capture the working of the village and digitize the potent elements based on the requirements simulatenously ran by equipping villagers with the needed Skillsets for operation of the platform and basics of digital Literacy. The platform shall pivot to connected digital centred for sustainable access and boosted engagements.
January 2022
January 2024
The project shall be build as open platforms to be replicated and run by the villagers selected independent board as administrators and capacity builders, Each village shall be encouraged to run it and find special projects to fund it, example a local farmers market e-commerce platform and social media for good strategy to create community groups and share expiriences, capacities and open the villages to the world and resources. We shall facilitate the installation and independent partnership with stakeholder groups to act as startegic partners to run and operate their local platforms.
The goal is to have heuristic and Autonomous digital villages with access to online markets and digital opportunities all connected and discreet in their own unique manner. Local Youths shall be trained on platform operation and data collection, local volunteers to teach villagers on it's benefit and usage. Public data shall be shared to ministries and stakeholders to make better inclusive policies. With the centres massive open online courses shall be taught to kids and youths having access to modern equipment and technology. Villagers can has the centres to connect e-meetings, direct contact with government officials and stakeholders via video conferencing and access to online government digital resources. Strategic partners shall be made and platforms licenced for government features and exclusive reports to stakeholders, Fundraising campaigns and local innovations on the space shall be encouraged to boost financing as well as local crowdfunding schemes with public online accounting data.
Equal access to information and digital resources is mandatory this is well represented with WSIS values, with a connected community we gain informed citizenry, independent thinkers and adept sustainable autonomous agents that can run and operate their communities and gain development. With the pandemic it's potent to see how dependable humanity is to online spaces and information, access to the internet and digital resources is a human right. With connected villages we influence better labour, local content, accountable government and informed policy with the window of polarized communities opened to the world of experts and resources that can transform livelihoods.
E-Kijiji: Connected Villages in the pandemic
United Republic of Tanzania — Civil Society
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