This is the challenge that YRE International is launching to prove everybody can still be an ambassador of the environment and influence his/her community while being at home. Indeed, YRE students from all around the world show solidarity by staying inside to avoid the spread of COVID-19. FEE and the YRE program also want to transform this unusual time into an opportunity to keep investigating environmental topics and to have a little fun! Every week, there will be shared ideas on how people can still be involved in the YRE program and gain new skills, raise awareness and investigate environmental issues from home.
13 May 2020
26 June 2020
yes, it can be used by students from every country on the world and challnges are universal and valid for all students
Project is aiming to build the skills in students as an ambassador of the environment and influence your community while being at home. Indeed, YRE students from all around the world show solidarity by staying inside to avoid the spread of COVID-19, but FEE and the YRE programme also want to transform this unusual time into an opportunity for you to keep investigating environmental topics and to have a little fun!
We believe that our project promotes the following WSIS values: - Capacity building - ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life - E-environment
Foundation for Environmental Education
Denmark — International Organization
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ITU, Place des Nations, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland