Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2022 Nominee

The Set of Initiatives to Develop IT-solutions Using 5G Technology


Since 2018, Moscow has been the first in Russia to implement the Set of Initiatives to test 5G technology and create conditions for implementing 5G solutions.

The Project includes the creation of 5G pilot zones in Moscow, the functioning of the city's 5G laboratory, and the creation of Russia's first industrial 5G test area.

26 5G pilot zones function in different parts of the city. There, operators create interaction scenarios for 5G and previous generations networks, study the functionality and services.

To develop 5G consumer solutions and city services and to relieve the investment burden, we opened the first Russian 5G laboratory to solve tasks of the city – the 5G Demo-Center in October 2020. The Center searches for successful 5G service usage scenarios to improve the life quality. Other tasks are piloting and implementing new city 5G services. Healthcare system, Transport, City Security, and Education are the priority sectors.

At the end of 2021, the first industrial 5G test area with the was opened at Botkin Hospital. There we plan to pilot the healthcare technologies and services such as 24h monitoring of patient's conditions and VR and AR staff training. The test area will host studies, 5G healthcare solutions piloting.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C1. The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development 2022
  • AL C2. Information and communication infrastructure
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
  • Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities

  • Russian Federation



Start date


End date

Not set


The Mission of Moscow as a technology leader is to test promising 5G solutions in a real city environment. This will allow improving those solutions and make them useful so that they can be implemented in other cities of Russia and the world during the commercial deployment of 5G networks.


Creating conditions for the development of hi-tech industries, including 5G, is the key factor not only for forming the competitive economy but also for solving socially significant tasks.
The project has had a positive impact on all city industries. It solves an important economic task – to identify suitable scenarios for commercial use of 5G in advance. Communication providers will be able to analyze what 5G projects and solutions are in demand. Implementing promising cases and users' interests will stimulate further investment in the 5G network development. At the same time, Moscow can become the anchor customer of 5G-based services and promote industry development while solving the tasks of the city's economy. The developers will get access to the functioning 5G network and equipment by the leading manufacturers, which stimulates new projects involving 5G.

WSIS values promotion

Taking into account the importance of 5G for the development of the city and citizens’ comfort, the Government of Moscow set a task to join the efforts of communication providers, vendors, and developers for more efficient and speedy deployment of 5G networks, testing of 5G solutions in the real city objects. In this regard, the city plays an important role in piloting and further development of 5G technology.

Entity name

The Moscow Department of Information Technologies

Entity country—type

Russian Federation Government

Entity website