The main objective of the South School on Internet Governance is to train new leaders of opinion in all aspects related with Internet Governance, from a global perspective and with focus on the Latin America and Caribbean Region.The program trains university and postgraduate students from the region and from the rest of the world in understanding the complexity related with Internet Governance and its importance in the future of the Internet.The mission of the South School on Internet Governance is to:Increase the number of representatives of the Latin American and Caribbean region in the international Internet Governance debate spaces.Motivate the new regional leaders of opinion to becoming active participants in Internet Governance meetings and activities, where the future of the Internet is shaped.Make them the future leaders on Internet Governance in their countries and regions.For the second time in its thirteen years of existence, the SSIG has been organized in a completely virtual different way, with the challenge of maintaining the quality and quantity of content and interaction among participating fellows, allowing them to meet Internet leaders through their participation in the program of activities.In this virtual edition, the school broadened its horizons by convening more than one hundred experts from around the world who were connected in a virtual way to an audio and video studio to interact with more than 600 fellows from five continents.The fellows got in contact and interacted during two months prior to the event attending an online self-assisted asynchronous training course, where they were able to meet virtually, receive videos, podcasts, reading material and self-evaluations. This pre-training gave them the knowledge base to profit from the synchronous full five days training from 4 to 8 October.
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The School on Internet Governance offers fellowship to all participants, it has been replicated at the national level in Argentina in the form of the Argentina School on Internet Governance ARGENSIG
It is sustained thanks to the contributions made by all stakeholders (governments, private sector, academia, civil society and technical community) in different ways; as sponsors or contributiting with content, knowledge, meeting space, etc.
Freedom: School teaches about the value of a free open Internet and its importance for the society Equality: SSIG has full gender balance among its fellows since its beginning in 2009, it also promotes as much as regional and stakeholder diversity as possible in both fellows and experts Solidarity: SSIG does not charge for any of the training activities or books published, all activities are open to the whole community Tolerance: SSIG promotes tolerance among all participants and teaches about the benefits of an open dialogue Shared responsibility: SSIG promotes an open dialogue and participation among all stakeholders, through learning the functions and their roles Respect for nature: SSIG is also promoting dialogue and knowledge about the impact of technology in the environment
South School on Internet Governance (SSIG)
Argentina — Academia
CCAT LAT Center for Training in High Technology for Latin America and the Caribbean - Internet Society Argentina Chapter
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