This project has as a general objective: to inform, to spread the material and immaterial culture, the history and the human values of the municipality of Caibarien, Cuba and the World. Among the results achieved, the most valuable is the condition of Champion Project of The World Summit on the Information Society 2020, the OX Awards for spanish-american websites, several awards from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA), awards for hypermedia journalism granted by the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television (ICRT) and the Union of Journalists of Cuba (UPEC), among others. At 2019, our project received 110529 visits to the page, from 43938 users.
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This project is replicable because it promotes trust and security among cybernauts. It addresses the misuse of ICTs. It appropriates the techniques of cyber security, data protection, information security and network security. It provides information and audios in real time. All its applications are safe and reliable.
This project is a lightweight and accessible website. It offers optimized videos and photographs, in the case of audio and video it eliminates the auto-play. The published content is easy to find because we take care of the SEO and copywriting of the texts. It reduces the number of clicks a reader has to make to reach what he is looking for, taking care of the user experience. When you visit us you notice a positive impact in other areas, such as SEO positioning, web performance, user experience.
This is a cuban project that respects peace, is governed by the fundamental values of freedom, equality, solidarity, tolerance, shared commitment and respect for the environment.
CMHS Radio Caibarién (ICRT)
Cuba — Government
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