“Innovactoras” started as a social responsibility project of Happeninn. Today it is a platform of innovators women from different realities of the 21st : science, technology, business, education and society. 51 North and South references (16 countries) are already inspiring innovation around the world Objectives: Organizations to have inspiring and current examples of women in STEAM careers, to encourage innovation in their environments. Connects, promotes and supports women innovators. Award a prize to a young Innovactora every year. 100 inspiring Innovactoras of 25 countries by 2020. Sustainable with public private founds
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It started in Spain and it was scaled to South Africa including women from southern countries. Nowadays a LatAm collaborative project has been submited for being funded and in case the application results beneficiary of that grant, 6 Latin American Universities will join the project throught a Women in Innovation network to be included as more LatAm innovactoras.
Innovactoras is a social responsibility project aiming to reach at least, one women from every single country in the world.
• Access • Gender• Volunteering
Asociación Innovactoras
Spain — Academia
- University of Navarra (Enterprise and Humanism Institute) - Navarre´s Employment Service (Government of Navarra) - Fabre Foundation - ANICC (Creative, Innovative and Cultural industries association of Navarra) - Eunate Publishing - Hijas de Jesús Pamplona School Different Universities, SMEs, Asociations and volunteers
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ITU, Place des Nations, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland