According to His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, “Our goal is to be one of the best countries in the world, which can only be achieved only by family cohesion. The Emirati family is the foundation of life in the society, the main tributary of human capital, and the continuation of the development process by preparing the sons and daughters to love the homeland and belonging. Dubai Police launched smart awareness initiative which aims to strength national identity, instill loyalty, building a conscious generation, stable family and self-immune generation and to raise the awareness of citizens and society, especially young people, about social issues in an interactive way. This includes creating awareness of unethical behaviours in using the internet, and to tackle potential risks. The initiative covered more than 200 public and private schools in Dubai, and served more than 200,000 students, parents and teachers.
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The initiative increased the interest in the using such technologies for other needs such as enhancing schools’ curriculum across UAE. The initiative started in the city of Dubai. It started with one school, then 7 schools (grade 8), and then covering all schools in Dubai.The program expanded in accordance with the following time process:• First Trial cycle: One School• Second cycle: 7 schools (eighth-grade)• Third cycle: Grade 8 in all government schools in Dubai• Fourth cycle: Grade 8 + 2 schools grade 12• Fifth cycle: All Dubai schools • Sixth cycle: All Dubai schools + 5 private schools• Seventh cycle: All Dubai schools + 10 private schools• Eighth cycle: all schools in DubaiThe initiative can be replicated anywhere in the world, where students are the main target. The initiative idea is already shared with other cities in the UAE, and regional countries and they are already replicated the idea or in the process of replicating the idea.
The strategic approach adopted is to spread learning content and unify student-related national efforts designed to address social, moral and security problems that they may face in their lives. We are planning to cover all educational levels including universities, in a bid to empower, train and enable students to deal positively with challenges through institutional partnerships with other relevant agencies. It includes working on ensuring the sustainability of prevention efforts among student groups and their communities, such as families and youth institutions. The students of today will be the lawmakers and the government officials of tomorrow, meaning the time is right to educate the youth and help them to feel that they are an important part of our futures.Dubai Police is using different means, which are To Do, To Show and To Tell. Twenty mechanisms and means are used to deliver awareness massages and learning topics to students, including: Military Training, Awareness Exhibitions, Virtual atmosphere (model villages), Field visits, Toys, gifts, School theatre, Traffic Scout, Karate training for girls, student researches, Touch Screens, Brochures and flyers, Awareness messages, website, Cartoon characters, magazine, Awareness movies, lectures, Forums and symposiums, training courses, Free Atelier, competitions, animated videos, interactive magazine, social media campaign and smart video games. This covered most schools in Dubai and the results were effective. More than 30 million downloads from the electronic awareness games.
The initative is intended to cover the different main areas of interaction used by students on daily base to obtain information and knowledge. This includes teachers, parents, Internet, community, social networks and electronics games. The perception of knowledge was provided using the best instructional practices focusing on three learning patterns: Visual, Audio and tactile learning (learning style in which learning takes place by the students carrying out physical activities, rather than listening to a lecture or watching demonstrations.) The general objectives are (which promote of WSIS values in the Society): • Developing effective integration between the institutions involved in the healthy upbringing of students. • Reinforcing patriotism and the sense of belonging to the homeland in the hearts of students. • Raising the student's positive awareness of the national, cultural, religious and health-related issues • Developing the students͛ sense of social responsibility • Educational goals • Raise Students awareness about unethical behaviors in using the electronic means such as the internet and games. • Develop students Personal Skills, including skills to avoid the potential risks of the internet. • Raise awareness level on subjects such as cyber crimes, cyber ethics, child abuse, destructive belief prevention. • Organizing awareness workshops to cover all private and public schools in Dubai • Sharing best practices to use the technologies and tools. • Providing students with the skills to avoid the potential risks of the internet.
Dubai Police
United Arab Emirates — Government
Ministry of Education, Ministry of Higher Education, Ministry of Interior, Knowledge and Human Development Authority (DHA), Roads and Transport Authority, Civil Defense Department, Women's Association, Dubai Foundation for Women and Children, Parents of Handicapped Society, The National Human Resource Development Authority, The National Human Resource Development Authority, Student Counselling Department within the Ministry of Education, Land House Charity
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