VIS Berdaya (Berdaya means Powerful), an open source application, consists of instruments and processes to utilize data and information functioning as a tool to assist villages in collecting and managing their own data with the vision that this would encourage participation, improve the quality of data and lead to better planning. Data quality is a prime problem in Indonesia development for years. By using VIS Berdaya, the village government could deliver public administration services, uphold public information disclosure, maintain evidence-based village planning-budgeting, contribute to evidence-based district planning-budgeting, and encourage independent community-based village resource management. Based on the VIS Berdaya principles (participatory, transparency, accountability, inclusion, sustainability), the village stakeholders increase the participation, access, control, and benefit regarding the development. The more reliable, updated, and accountable data help the village stakeholders to improve the human rights enjoyment especially for the vulnerable groups i.e. the poor (through poverty alleviation). VIS Berdaya also realizing Single Database concept in upper level of government through its data aggregation. Single Database concept has been promoted by the national government for years despite the insignificant progress. By now, VIS Berdaya helps the stakeholders to improve public budget allocation in a better rights-based perspective.
VIS Berdaya as an open source application is replicable. As long as the principles of VIS Berdaya and the proper stages are enacted in the process, any villages in Indonesia could implement this application. Through the training, peer learning with the implementer village, and technical assistance from district offices and or civil society organization, village could easily replicate the VIS Berdaya implementation. In term of application development, as an open source software actually VIS Berdaya could be replicate in any country with necessary adjustment such as regulation harmony and language
At least those are four supporting factors for VIS Berdaya sustainability. The first factor related with the character of open source. This helps village government much due to limited available village budget. The second factor related with the human resources. VIS Berdaya is independently managed and operated by the village community member and village government officers. By relying onto internal resources instead of external resources, VIS Berdaya has bigger chance to sustain. The third factor is the ability of the software feature to adapt with the various needs of data analysis. The last factor is the ability of VIS Berdaya to adjust and integrate the data with other data application. These entire factors support the sustainability of VIS Berdaya.
VIS Berdaya promotes the utilization of information technology for the rural and marginalized communities to defend their rights, for the village government to fulfill their duty. It promotes the rights-based approach which reflected on inclusion principle, respect to right to information which enacted also in Law 14 Year 2008, and preferential option for the vulnerable i.e. the poor and people in the prone area. The participatory principle reaches women, the poor, and youth. The inclusion principle also aligns with the SDGs calling 'no one left behind'. We believe, this entire profile aligns with WSIS values.
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Indonesia — Civil Society
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