CWIT is transforming Charlottesville into the destination for women in technology to live, work, and build a career. We develop programs that encourage more women and girls to pursue a technology career, actively working to remedy the deficit of women in technology careers and help them succeed.Charlottesville Women in Tech is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization for emerging and established professionals that provides human connections and resources for women and girls interested in or associated with technology. Our vision is to bridge the gender gap in tech by providing a safe and welcoming environment for women and girls to connect, learn and collaborate in Charlottesville.We host monthly meetings that include speakers on tech topics and allow for networking with other local women. Events are free and open to all women in our community.Through our Tech-Girls program, we collaborate with volunteers and organizations to run programs focused on fostering girls interest and confidence in STEM education.
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We develop programs that encourage more women and girls to pursue a technology career, actively working to remedy the deficit of women in technology careers and help them succeed.
Charlottesville Women in Tech
United States of America — Private Sector
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ITU, Place des Nations, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland