In Senegal, the government has set up two economic and social development programs in the peripheral and suburban areas and linked to the Emerging Senegal Plan (PSE). These are the Emergency Program for Community Development (PUDC), and the Emergency Program for the Modernization of Frontier Axes and Territories (PUMA). This means that development in rural areas and isolated areas remains a concern of the Senegalese government.One of the tools for integrating populations and supporting socio-economic development is digital.With this tool, we see that trade, money transfer, transportation, agriculture, have evolved, thus helping to promote the well-being of populations in cities.However, rural and remote areas are lagging behind in digital development and are not covered by national digital services and systems in a quantitative and qualitative way.This is why the project of digital box or digital field, to designate a kind of digital space, the size of a box or a field in a village or a rural area, in order to put provision of the population a framework for exchange and development of socioeconomic activities based on digital finds all its relevance.
The project could be implemented in some remote or rural areas; and if the results in promising, then , replication may be done in other parts of Snegal, and or the world.If the test is promising, the project do not need continuous supports from government or partners. The project can follow replication itself in a short of circular cycle with profound implication of local people.
The project could be implemented in some remote or rural areas; and if the results in promising, then , replication may be done in other parts of Snegal, and or the world. If the test is promising, the project do not need continuous supports from government or partners. The project can follow replication itself in a short of circular cycle with profound implication of local people. And in that regard, the project can ensure the financial autonomisation of local people and their digital inclusion .
Ministere en charge des Postes et des Telecommunications
Senegal — Government
• Ministère de la Communication, des Télécommunications, des Postes et de l’Econome numérique(MCTPEN) ◦ Le Ministre (Pilotage institutionnel) • Direction de la Promotion de l’Économie Numérique et du Partenariat • Partenaires au Développements.- Cabinet and related services - ICT Directorate - Telecommunications Directorate - Post Office - Communications management -Fablabs - ICT incubators -Sectors involved in innovation and partnership POPULATIONS
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