The digital platform “Bayanati” (The Employee Data Platform) enables clients of the Ministry of Civil Service (MCS) -internally as MCS employees and externally as human resources’ specialists in specific and all public sector employees in general- to utilize the modern technologies developed by the ministry. The platform provides civil government employees with digital services that enables them to review and correct their data. In addition, it offers medical reports service in association with the Ministry of Health to civil employees. The system allows civil employees to access their historical job records and print their service statement. Besides, it delivers the possibility of following on their training approvals, scholarship, administrative transactions, as well as viewing and updating their service period. The platform enables employees to follow all applications from any place and at any time. Additionally, they will have access to further digital services that reduces employee time and effort without reporting or referring to the ministry.
01 August 2018
The concept of the project is about retrieving, viewing and editing employee profile including current and historical data. This concept can be replicated by any organization or entity in the public or private sectors that have beneficiaries using their services.
The use of the system is not limited to time or a place. “Bayanati” is and will be in-need and used as long as the recruitment and other HR processes exist. This system acts as a reliable, transparent, and the single point of truth from the Ministry of Civil Service to its beneficiaries.
• Contribution in building a people-centered information society • Easy online access to all beneficiaries • Transparency and fairness • One of the Ministry’s digital transformation initiatives • Social and gender equality • Preserving nature by adopting paperless environment • Reducing greenhouse gases emission • Cooperation, partnership and digital solidarity among government entities • Improve quality of life and well-being of all beneficiaries of the service • Human dignity is respected • Enhance cyber security and ensure the protection of data and privacy • Application is user-friendly and adapted to local language
Ministry of Civil Service (MCS)
Saudi Arabia — Government
• Ministry of Interior • Ministry of Health • National Research Center (NRC) • Institute of Public Administration )IPA) • National Center for Performance Measurement )Adaa)
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