STEMintheCity is a great initiative being promoted by the City of Milan in order to develop a “STEM-oriented” culture free from gender barriers and stereotypes to help guide young women to studies in fields of science and technology, to promote careers for women in these fields, and to further digital education at all levels. The project started in 2017 and the second edition was organized in 2018. On 2018 STEMintheCity further extended its reach with the creation of STEM+A. The letter “A” here stands for “art” and has been added to the STEM acronym to indicate both how digital is an enabling factor in all education and career development and how the creative, humanistic component is essential in generating new ideas and innovative content. Target. STEMintheCity offered activities for all ages—from elementary school to on through middle school, high school, university and beyond. Creating an alliance with the adults responsible for the growth and education of our youth is important, so STEMintheCity promoted a range of initiatives intended for parents and teachers. Main activities: training days about coding and digital skills for 50 primary and secondary schools; hackathon for young girls and university students; job speed date, session of role modeling; digital empowerment; conference about gender stereotypes for teachers, parents and companies; events about the value of women in STEM careers and female leadership; the presence of women in politics; International opening event with prestigious female role model from science, military defense, institutions, leading companies in digital transformation.
Not set
The project started in 2017 in the City of Milan: +3,000 participants (age: 3-25); 138 speakers, 84 training activities, 5 universities, 54 schools, 45 location, 50 partners. The second edition was organized in 2018 expanding the target to 134 cities of Metropolitan City of Milano and reach +10,000 participants. Target increase of +333%.
By connecting universities and schools, private and public sections with ICTs.
Fondazione Bracco
Italy — Private Sector
17 Sponsors 46 Partners
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ITU, Place des Nations, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland