Argentina´s Women Programmers is a range of programs to bridge the digital gender gap by fostering knowledge and enthusiasm of young women in STEM since 2015. As part of this effort, we are creating a database aimed at gathering information on the professional profile of the population to inform public policymaking. Building such a resource requires collaboration with a range of stakeholders who either have relevant data or can facilitate access to it. Over a 4-month period we collected information on new enrollments, re-enrollments and graduations in 73 programming courses of studies between 2010 and 2015 at 84 public and private universities and university institutes. We developed the first data research of women programmers in Argentina, covering a national scope. We built an unprecedented database which we opened after presenting it on an exclusive event on April 11th in Centro Cultural de la Ciencia, Buenos Aires having a lot of impact on media, public and private sector. We have been working to close the gender gap mainly through our programs and initiatives aimed at adolescent women, but we can not know the impact without data. In Argentina, up to now there is no public and open database of career students related to programming throughout the country, and this information is necessary to set aside the perceptions and work on numbers, precise data to know where and how to improve.
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By connecting universities with ICTs, by helping women fight employment constraints and cultural stereotypes within the technological field and encourage them to choose a programming-related course of studies or career path, to ensure that women have an equal access to ICTs.
Chicas en Tecnología
Argentina — Civil Society
Citizens, Social media, technology companies, Education Ministries
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