In 2017, In accordance with its mission to promote the sustainable and competitive development of the Brazilian economy, BNDES, in partnership with the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications (MCTIC), supported the execution of a study for the diagnosis and proposal of the plan of strategic action for the country in Internet of Things (IoT). As result from this study, there was a call for e-health, e-agriculture, and smart cities pilot projects, supported by the Ministry and by the Brazilian Development Bank.The study "Internet Things: An action plan for Brazil "allows thecountry to identify clearly the main bottlenecks for that is a protagonist in the development of IoT proposes how to solve them. The study's initiatives will be implemented over the next 5 years, however, some of them, like this initiative of a call for e-health, e-agriculture, and smart cities pilot projects, already begin to be implemented in 2018.!ut/p/z1/vZJdT8IwFIZ_zS6b033j5VwUJKISI2y9IWdbx2q2FtYyxV9v4RpcjIm9as_Xk_f0BQYZMImD2KIRSmJr3zmLNvFyms6SwH18folTukznd6s4vPenDyGsgAErpdmZBvJCVlxvhNRGmEN5nuDQRnXcocqmCJoDdko7VEg1YInqdDO8l9yQCjUpldCoLwaJR0rse6U1b0_IXSkqyGuX1hQDJDV6nARh5JMbry5IGLuT2isQKa1gPaaB2TS9chJq-9lYSW4R8VVEEsB6EPwD3qTqO7vV118qmI0Soj8S5meFP-zIGsHrF-lia8eiaYiQtYJs7KNsl3jf71liPaJs7aeB7L9Msuu6iX8k8uv2iUzTYnL02-03ewbCaw!!/dz/d5/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/
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ICTs for national development
Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications (MCTIC)
Brazil — Government
In 2017, In accordance with its mission to promote the sustainable and competitive development of the Brazilian economy, BNDES, in partnership with the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications (MCTIC)
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