Chapterthon is a global Internet Society Chapters marathon. This year’s objective was set under the theme: “Digital schools!”. 31 teams all around the globe worked together by developing a project within a timeline and budget for the development of education and Internet in their regions. This initiative was able to show how a global programme with one main theme can make 31 times more impact in the achievement of the SDG4 and SDG5 . The winner was Turkey Chapter for "Coding Sisters", a project focused on closing the digital gap in the country. It was developed in the Bilkent University in Ankara where 42 girls from middle and high schools and 30 university students received coding lessons. This global initiative has been a proof of how the Internet is a powerful enabler for education and gender equality.
31 May 2017
07 December 2017
Internet Society
International — Other
31 Internet Society Chapters
Submit New Project
ITU, Place des Nations, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland