Hoax, hate speech, digital radicalism, cyberbullying, pornography, and many other negative contents appear to be rising challenges for Indonesia amidst the growing digital society. It is an urgency for the multi-background sectors to find a solution to minimise these contents. From the government side, the solution relies on the establishment and adoption of a systematic national movement on digital literacy who endorses the positive usage of the Internet. Meanwhile, the national movement itself should be supported by academicians, business sectors, and of course communities.This year, these stakeholders (government of Indonesia, academics, business sectors, and communities) have reached an agreement in creating a collaboration namely “#Siberkreasi”, a comprehensive, massive, and sustainable movement on digital literacy. It was intended to be an umbrella for the community-based and grass-root level movement all around Indonesia. The four main activities of #Siberkreasi are collaborative engagement, curriculum development, community empowerment, and cyber governance. Currently, more than 60 national level institutions and communities have collaborated in this national movement. With such a broad and inclusive participation, #Siberkreasi could be considered as the biggest and the most comprehensive voluntary collaboration on digital literacy, at least, in Southeast Asia.
01 September 2017
31 December 2020
Indonesia — Other
Ministry of State Secretariat Ministry of Communication and Informatics Ministry of Women Empowerment and Children Protection Ministry of Education and Culture Indonesian Agency for Telecommunication & Informatics Accessibility Creative Economy Agency Bijakbersosmed Indonesian Broadcasting Commission Apjii (Indonesian Internet Service Provider Association) Kitabisa Pramuka (Indonesian Scout Movement) ICT Watch ID IGF (Indonesia Internet Governance Forum) ID COP (Indonesia Child Online Protection) AIS Nusantara (Santri Information Wave Nusantara) Ayo Dongeng Indonesia (Indonesia Storyteller Community) Campaign.id Center for Digital Society Nusantara Digital ECPAT Firal (Festival on Digital Literacy) IWITA (Indonesia Women IT Awareness) IPPNU (Nahdlatul Ulama Women Student League) Internet Society ISAPS (Indonesia Students Association for Political Science) Indonesia Baik Google org Japelidi (Digital Literacy Activist Network) Keluarga Digital Indonesia (Indonesian Digital Family) Kok Bisa Kaskus Kumpulan Emak Blogger Kompak Layaria Nahdlatul Ulama Nawala Sejiwa Foundation PANDI (Indonesian Internet Domain Name Registry) Mafindo (Indonesian Anti Hoax Community) Madacom Maarif Institute Pendidikan.id PMII (Indonesian Moslem Student Association) Parfi (Indonesian Film Artist Association) RTIK (Information and Communication Technology Volunteer) Kita & Buah Hati Foundation Tirto ID Maverick 3 Tri XL Indosat Ooredoo Telkomsel Smart Telkom Kompas Kumparan Cashlez Twitter Microsoft Lazada Shopee Blanja.com WebTV Asia Biznet
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