Usually the government delivered information in a way that is rigid and less current. Unless governments effectively catch the attention of the people, government communication will be buried in the flood of all other information. That’s why program from MCIT presence to answer the challenges. is not an ordinary portal, but it is also designed its ecosystem by MCIT as a medium for developing capacity of young people aged 20-34 years on creating positive content with attractive packaging.Since it does not just provide information one-way to the public, but also conducts some interaction and conversation through its social media as well as providing trainings and workshops collaboration for netizen, blogger and citizen journalist, collaboration with multistakeholder under the joined-activity name #FIRAL.The portal managed directly by Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT), c.q. Directorate of Information Processing and Provision, Directorate General of Public Information and Communication. The portal is intended to provide an alternative information that is viral-able and easy to understand, so that people can have more better alternative information based on their needs and usefulness. The portal and its product, mainly infographic and motion graphics, also utilized to deliver message about the policy, program and achievement of the government, public service information, and any other government programs currently serves the people.
06 June 2017
31 December 2028
Ministry of Communication and Information Technology - Indonesia
Indonesia — Government
Center for Digital Society, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia ICT Volunteers (RTIK), ICT Watch / Internet Sehat, SiberKreasi National Digital Literacy Movement
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