The municipal sector in Saudi is unique in structure, it contains the Ministry (MOMRA), sixteen regional municipalities (Amanats) and 269 municiaplities (Baladiyat) have several entities. Over the last 25 years those entities have been working almost in silos delivering services to citizens based on the regulations of the ministry. The services provided vary in nature and quality. Recently MOMRA and all entities have been working closely to improve the services delivered to citizens and to rationalize the spending. As part of that MOMRA and all entities have been working toward a new target operating model for IT, where IT services are centralized and applications are rationalized and consolidated. To develop the target operating model stakeholders form all entities have been involved in various working group to draft the best fit model for all entities. As a result, we have a consolidated roadmap for the sector and detailed one for each entity where all stakeholders will collaborate and work together to achieve better services for citizens, rationalized applications and services, better quality and agility of IT.
01 February 2017
01 August 2017
Ministry Of Municipal & Rural Affairs
Saudi Arabia — Government
Ministry of Municipalities and Rural Affairs 16 regional municipalities 269 municipalities
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